Chapter 1 : New Start

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 Iara let out a sluggish yawn as she stretched her body. Her grey hair had a tender feel to it, but since she just woke up from an amazing sleep, her hair had given her the task of having to undo every knot in her hair. Convincing herself to get out of her comfortable bed was a hassle, but it was not that much of a problem compared to working her jaw to eat. After getting herself ready, she slowly walked down the stairs that led to the living room, then dragged her feet to the kitchen counter. 

"Good morning, Iara. How was your sleep?" Mrs. Levy asked.

"It was fine, thank you," Iara replied with a monotonous voice, her eyelids trying their best to stay open. 

"Could you go wake up Zack for me? It's okay if you don't want to. Just note that his room is probably really messy right now," Mrs. Levy said.

Holding back a groan, Iara climbed up the stairs to wake up her monkey of a housemate. 

Creaking the door open, she could see Zack's room filled with empty bags of chips scattered everywhere along with the cluttered table holding a whole pile of books atop of it.

"Geez. Wake up, sleepyhead. We've got school today." Iara snapped.

A groan could be heard, then the words, "Calm down, our school's not gonna go anywhere." Zack lay flat on his bed, his face buried in his pillow. "I mean, it doesn't have legs right?" Zack replied in his bed.

It could be visibly seen that Iara was pissed off. She walked over and kicked Zack's waist, even threatening him that if he doesn't get up, he'll end up surrounded by water. Begrudgingly, Zack got out of bed, brushed his teeth, changed his clothes, and walked down the stairs to the living room to have breakfast with Iara and his mother.

Ever since Iara's parents passed on when she was young, Zack's mother had taken her in, raising Iara as if she was her daughter.  Now, all grown up, Iara and Zack are both transferring to another school where they learn to control their gift. In layman terms, their powers.

The school they're going to is called 'Middlemist Academy, School Of The Gifted'. 


Iara and Zack stood straight at the front gate. The huge golden-barred gate standing tall in front of them, is golden coat glimmering in the sunshine. Without checking out the school's official website, Iara could already tell that it was an elegant, rich and prestigious school, meant for kids that wanted to 'save the world'. Not to forget that the school has three different buildings, connected by white, concrete corridors that blocked out the sun with tinted glass, wrapping around the structure. 

Supposedly, one building was dedicated for the training of their gifts, which had included a large gym filled with equipment and multiple training rooms for students to have friendly showdowns or teach each other their combat methods. However, honing the student's magical capabilities was not all they did. Another building, out of the three, was the main building for their studies and other facilities, while the last one was a recent addition, built to provide the students with a large, comfortable study area. The library. It was 3 stories tall, the remaining 4 levels meant to promote the Arts. For example, performing arts like music and drama, visual arts like painting and sculpting, and a two level auditorium for when the school holds concertos and events that are open to the public. The auditorium is situated right above the library, only taking a side of the building, while the art studios, practice rooms, etc, take up the rest of the space. 

"Okay..." Iara murmured to herself.  She wasn't quite sure that she had made the right decision, to accept the scholarship to this school. While Iara's mind was flooded with thoughts, Zack had completely spaced out, mumbling that he "wasn't ready for this", after which dramatically collapsing. Iara caught him, partially due to reflex, but two seconds later subconsciously dropped him to the ground. 

"Why'd you drop me?!" Zack asked with annoyance while lying on the floor, "Now my back hurts."

Iara didn't care and walked past the gate. "Wait for me!" Zack pleaded. Zack got up, ran past the gate and caught up with Iara. Other students also entered the gate but there was a girl that caught Iara and Zack's attention.

While walking, Iara manged to observe the girl's appearance. She had light brown hair which flowed till her waist, paired with her scarlet red eyes. It was hard to notice, but she had a light brown plaster under her eye. Whether it was to cover up a mark or help with healing a cut, she did not know, and did not care. The girl wore a simple, baggy, white hoodie with tight-fitting, grey tights that hugged her legs. Her clothes had also matched the pearl-white earrings that dangled from her ears, hardly seen due to the thick, brown hair that covered the ears. It was only because the girl was in a rush, her hair being blown by the wind, that she managed to notice the earrings.   

Why do I feel like I know her?  Iara questioned herself, squinting her eyes to see what else she could notice about the girl that would tell Iara whether she had known the girl before. Weird. Is this what deja vu feels like? 

"Why are you just standing there? We've gotta go to the principal's office." Zack was already in front of her, yelling for her to hurry up. They didn't plan to give the principal a bad impression.

Hearing Zack's words, Iara started to move at a slow pace, shortly after catching up with him as Zack walks further and further into the school. 

Author's note: YOLO guys
ik the plot is so cliche but just let me have fun writing k thanks

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