Sun Mei had been thinking that Fang JunRong's behavior was a bit on the radical side, but after hearing what she said and putting herself in Fang JunRong's shoes, she could relate to that and was infuriated immediately. "Good job! If it was me, I would disown him too!"

Chapter 117 - She would never believe that Fang JunRong would truly sever her ties with her son (3)

Fang JunRong dropped the bomb. "He did that because he's in love with Jiang YaGe."

Sun Mei, who had been eating melons for years, was disgusted by this particular one. She decided that she'd need to eat a Beautify Pill tonight when she got home to calm her nerves.


Liu Zhu, looking at them from behind and too far away to hear their words, didn't know what to think for a while there. She had no idea how Fang JunRong was so confident in herself. At the same time, she was disgruntled with Fang JunRong. If Fang JunRong could treat her own son like that, no wonder her husband had abandoned her and her son wanted nothing to do with her.

After she had gotten home, she started bashing Fang JunRong in front of her husband and her daughter.

"Aye, I didn't think this task would prove to be so difficult. Guess I will just have to apologize to Li WangJin." She had thought originally that if she could do Li WangJin this favor, he'd have an even better impression of her family and it'd be even easier for Deng Lan to marry into his family. This outcome was very unexpected.

She gave her husband a careful look and said, "Why do we care about her anyway. Even without Fang JunRong, Li ShiZe is still the prince of Ayron Corp. He has a bright future in front of him. LanLan will still be the reacher in this relationship."

Boss Deng gave her an unhappy look. "You sure know how to make matters worse. Do you have any idea what Meifang Corp.'s monthly revenue is? You don't care for that? That's easy for you to say. What you have said must have offended Fang JunRong. She's known to be easy going in our circle."

Being lectured by her husband, Liu Zhu was even more unhappy. She had found out from her daughter afterward. Fang JunRong was that way toward Li ShiZe because he didn't take her side in her divorce with Li WangJin.

Just why would so many people praise a woman as petty as her? That made no sense.

Her mahjong fans all nodded in front of her, but they all turned around and backstabbed her. The words spread far and wide and everyone who didn't know about it before now did.

But Fang JunRong had been excellent at maintaining her image as of late, and everybody was dubious about this rumor. Everybody believed that Fang JunRong meant it when she said she didn't have a son, but they had doubts about the real reason behind it.

Eventually, someone went to ask Sun Mei. Sun Mei was known to be the queen of gossip in their circle.

Sun Mei, as usual, did not disappoint. She yakked and yakked and shared everything about what Li ShiZe had done and then added, "JunRong is too kind. If it was my son, I'll for sure beat him a few times first."

When Sun Mei had her mind set at bashing someone, she was very good at her job.

As such, all the incidents that Li WangJin had tried so hard to hide from their circle were leaked. Everybody was stunned and also enlightened at the same time. No wonder someone as easy-going as Fang JunRong would give up on her son.

Many discussed in the back how Jiang YaGe and Wang SiXian were family after all. They were both good at seducing men. The old one seduced Li WangJin and the younger one seduced Li ShiZe to a point that he was willing to give up his own mother.

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