BONUS CHAPTER: What if...?

Start from the beginning

Bucky had an amazing look on his face, "That's smart."

"I know," Sapphire grinned proudly. "You try it," she said, handing him the giant boots.

Bucky wore them and stepped inside the box to cover the sole of the shoes with flour.

He stepped out and began leaving a trail on the wooden floors, sweeping his long hair back that got onto his face.

"Sage is smart. He'll know this is flour. We don't have a chimney," Bucky said, carefully walking to leave perfect footprints.

"Oh, he knows. It was his idea actually," Sapphire shrugged, who sat on the couch, beginning to eat the plate of cookies with a glass of milk that Sage left earlier for Santa.

"What?" Bucky looked at her confused.

"Remember he and I went outside for a bit after dinner?" Sapphire asked.

Bucky hummed in agreement as he was washing the dishes at that time.

"We placed flour on the doormat. Sage said it's a sign that Santa came inside the house," Sapphire explained. "Watch him tomorrow pass by the living room and go to the door first. He'll follow the trail."

Bucky chuckled and admittedly was excited to see it. After all, it was their first Christmas together as a whole family.

Bucky continued to leave footprints in the living room, going to the front door.

Once he was done, he took off the boots and hid them inside the storage area while Sapphire munched on the cookies and milk.

"Ugh," Sapphire groaned, handing him 2 cookies. "Can you help me finish it?"

"You already ate 8 out of 12 cookies. Isn't it enough?" Bucky asked, sitting beside and laughing at his wife as he began to eat on the cookies.

He found it adorable as her cheeks were both filled with cookies as she pouted, "Santa has 9 reindeers. And according to Sage, Santa likes to share. Last year, I made the mistake of eating 7 only because it was too sweet, and Sage got sad because the other reindeers didn't get to eat, and they must be tired from delivering so many gifts around the world."

Bucky laughed a little loud, making Sapphire cover his mouth and hush him.

"Sorry," Bucky said, still laughing quietly. "Sorry."

Then, he looked down on Sapphire as the soft glow of the night shone through the windows, highlighting Sapphire's face.

"Thank you," he blurted out, caressing her cheeks. "Thank you for making him such a happy boy."

Sapphire smiled softly, staring back at those ocean eyes, "You made him happy too, you know?"

She intertwined one of her hands with his metal one, "All these years, I told him stories about us, about you. I've never seen anyone love someone they haven't met yet."

"I love you," Bucky presses his lips against her forehead. "Every single second of 5 hours to me," he said, kissing down on her nose to her lips.

Sapphire returned his kiss, pouring every inch of love she had missed giving him for the last 5 years.

And Bucky felt it all.

Their kiss was broken by a patter of feet upstairs.

"Shit," Bucky hissed and jumped up the couch, crushing the cookies on the plates to leave crumbs.

Sapphire immediately turned the lights off as she and Bucky made their way to the stairs.

But it was too late as Sage was already descending the stairs excitedly.

Bucky made a detour, pulling Sapphire with him as he opened the door of their storage room.

Sapphire pressed on the lock inside the storage as they closed the door so it won't make a clicking sound once it was shut.

They stood close to each other, breathing heavily from the adrenaline.

"Look at us being trained deadly assassins, yet the job we almost fail is hiding from our 3-year-old son," Bucky said quietly.

"On Christmas eve," Sapphire added, making the both of them chuckle.

Sapphire opened the door quietly, peeking through the small gap she made.

She saw Sage holding on to his white wolf stuffie, sitting by the stairs and waiting patiently.

Bucky also watched, above Sapphire's head.

"What are we going to do?" He whispered to her.

"He's going to fall asleep in a few minutes, and then we'll bring him back to his bed," Sapphire answered, knowing it always happens.

Bucky looked down on Sapphire before looking back to his son by the stairs as the realization hits him.

Complete utter joy and warmth filled his chest.

"Looks like we both got what we deserve, huh?" He intertwined his fingers with Sapphire's from behind.

Sapphire smiled, remembering all those times the world was both cruel to her and Bucky. They were so lost, and all they had was each other's hands to hold.

She squeezed Bucky's hand, not taking her eyes off her yawning Son.

"Yeah," Sapphire whispered, her soft smile remains, "The only present I wouldn't trade for the world."

Bucky tilted her chin over her shoulders.

"Merry Christmas, James," she gazed lovingly upwards to him. 

"And here's to many more," Bucky replied, attaching their lips softly. 

Then the loud creeks of the door made them pull away.

Sage held the door open, an arm wrapped around his stuffed wolf with his head tilted to the side in curiosity, "What are you doing in there, Mama and Papa?"

Bucky opened his mouth hesitant on what to say when Sapphire interrupted him. 

"And what are you doing awake late this night, Sage?" She returned the question to the boy, a brow raised and a hand on her hip. 

Sage smiled sheepishly, blushing on getting caught, "I was waiting for Santa."

"What?!" Bucky exclaimed in feigned surprise. "We were waiting for him too!"

Sage's grin widened and asked excitedly, "Did you see him? Did you?"

"Unfortunately, no," Sapphire swept him up to her arms. "I think he won't come if we are all awake."

"I'll sleep now!" Sage wrapped his arms around his mother's neck, leaning his head on her shoulders as he closed his eyes still gripping on the wolf. 

Sapphire and Bucky laughed at him, while they descend the stairs to Sage's room. 

Turns out, the child fell asleep before they could get to his room. His parents tucked him in, placing goodnight kisses on his head before leaving the door of his room slightly ajar. 

"Wow," Bucky let out a sigh of disbelief. 

"Mission failed?" Sapphire asked teasingly. "First time?"

Bucky shook his head, chuckling and looking at a grinning Sapphire, "Merry Christmas indeed." 

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