𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸

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Third Person P.O.V:

Bakugou awoke from his slumber, but not in a very good mood. Some of his classmates were already screaming at each other. Bakugou forced himself to get out of bed, exhausted, he still did his morning routine.

But of course, Bakugou couldn't enjoy his morning shower, as someone chose to knock on his door. "Give me a moment!" Bakugou yelled, finishing up his shower routine. He stepped out of the shower, sighing as he turned the water off and put a towel around his waist. Bakugou made his way to his door, opening it.

"The hell do you want, I was taking a show-" Once the already annoyed, angry blonde opened his eyes, there stood Todoroki, wide-eyed as he never really saw Bakugou with his hair wet and in a towel. Todoroki found his eyes traveling up and down Bakugou's toned, yet slightly curved body, a light pink spread across his cheeks.

Bakugou took a while to notice this, he too, blushed. He couldn't help it, the person he was deeply in love with, though he doesn't like to admit it, was standing in front of him, his hair wet as he just got out of the shower, and in a towel that only covered his waist down, but is stopped right at his mid-thigh, if not a little shorter as the only towel he had left was awfully shorter than normal. Bakugou cleared his throat, getting Todoroki's attention.

Todoroki averted his gaze to the blonde's red eyes, managing to get out what he came to tell Bakugou in the first place. "I uh-, wanted to inform you that Yaoyorozu bought donuts for everyone."

"Has anyone gotten into them yet?" Bakugou question. Todoroki shook his head, "No, not yet, but I think Mineta and Kamanari were about to get into them." The half white and half red-haired boy informed.

"Okay good, tell them not to get into them yet. I have an idea for breakfast and donuts will go with them. If they try to get into them, smack the livin' shit out of anyone who tries! I'll be out in a bit!" Bakugou said loud enough so the perverted grape and the walking charger could definitely hear him, hearing a little 'eep' from the two, he was satisfied. Todoroki just nodded, tipping his head at Bakugou as he turned and left.

Bakugou closed his door and continued with his routine. He finally exited his room in a pair of gray sweats that tightened around his ankles and his usual black shirt with a white skull imprinted on it. The blonde walked into the kitchen, cooking up some eggs, bacon, and toast.

Since everyone was outside or not near the dining room or kitchen, he set the table, he knew how everyone liked a certain what. Each plate had a donut, sunny-side-up or scrambled eggs, crispy or slightly soft bacon. Bakugou knew enough to let everyone get their own drinks, however, he had a glass pitcher for water, orange juice, grape juice, or apple juice so anyone could just grab the pitcher and pour themselves a drink. If they wanted coffee, they can go to the kitchen and get it themselves.

Bakugou sighed, inhaling as he screamed, "The table's set, so get your asses down here and eat!" That earned him the sound of feet thudding against the floor as everyone came running to their seats. Thankfully Bakugou sat in his before anyone else could get here.

"Oh, this looks great Bakubro!" Kirishima exclaimed happily. "Thanks for the food!" Everyone exclaimed, beginning to dig in.

After breakfast, everyone began doing their own thing. Of course, Bakugou was left to do everyone's dishes as they always seemed to run off or 'forget.' The blonde was busy scrubbing away at dishes, Todoroki was passing the kitchen and stopped, staring at the angry blonde.

Todoroki's eyes traveled up and down the blonde, not quite being able to get the image of Bakugou with his hair wet and in a towel out of his head. Bakugou huffed, beginning to overheat quite a bit, so he stopped what he was doing, leaned back from the sink for a bit, inhaling and exhaling slowly. He wiped his forehead from any sweat before he continued what he was doing.

The blonde began to put dishes into the dishwasher, humming a soft tune. He acts like a housewife Todoroki thought, gazing at the blonde. Just as the blonde was turning around, feeling a pair of eyes on him, his eyes locked onto Todoroki's. They both stood there, slightly intense eye contact. Bakugou's face began to go red, he quickly averted his gaze away from Todoroki's.

"Um... how long have to been standing there?" Bakugou actually started to go... shy?! This was a major shock to Todoroki, as it brought the bi-colored teen back into reality. "Uh, a while." Bakugou's red tint darkened at Todoroki's answer.

Bakugou's blush did not go unnoticed by Todoroki, it, however, caused Todoroki to smirk, he entered the kitchen and closed the door, as it was its own, large separate room from the other rooms. The bi-colored teen closed in on the blonde, baking him up into one of the counters. He put both of his hands on the counter, caging Bakugou in.

Bakugou quietly whimpered, avoiding Todoroki's eyes, which didn't last long, as Todoroki grabbed ahold of Bakugou's chin and gently moved it to face him. The taller male leaned in, whispering, "You seem shy like prey cornered. You're acting a lot like an Omega since no one else in this class knows exactly what you are. So, Bakugou, are you perhaps an Omega?"

Bakugou felt weak in the knees, not wanting to answer as Todoroki was right. "If you don't answer, then I'll take your silence as a yes." Todoroki inquired. Bakugou just looked away from the bi-colored teen for a second, but then stared him in the eyes.

"Please don't tell anyone..." Bakugou mumbled, this took Todoroki aback for a second. He actually is one?! He doesn't even act like it most of the time! Todoroki thought, shocked, he couldn't even get out any words. The bi-colored teen removed his hand from Bakugou's chin, placing it on his shoulder, "I won't tell anyone, and that's a promise." Todoroki reassured the scared blonde.

Todoroki gave Bakugou a smile, backing up, he walked to the door of the kitchen, leaving. The blonde let out a sigh of relief, walking out of the kitchen, he walked to his room to clear his thoughts.

After some time, he heard a knock at his door. Bakugou reluctantly stood, walking to his door, only to see Todoroki at his door. "Hey, do you want to go to the mall later with Midoriya, Kirishima, and I?" Bakugou stood for a moment, only nodding. "Sure, what time do we leave?" Bakugou asked, "At 15:00 pm." Todoroki answered.

"Alright, I'll be there," Bakugou answered, and Todoroki nodded and left. It's odd, since Bakugou's sudden confession, I want to get closer to him... Todoroki thought. It surely was odd, normally they were somewhat like rivals, always competing against each other, but now, since Bakugou confessed that he was in fact an Omega, Todoroki keeps finding himself wanting to now hang out with the blonde.


[Time skip because I can <3]

It was now 15:00 pm, Deku was riding with Kirishima, and that only left Todoroki and Bakugou to drive there together. It was a slightly awkward silence on the ride there, but then Todoroki spoke up. "Why do you want to hide being an Omega so badly?" Todoroki asked, generally curious.

The bi-colored teen got a sigh as the start of a response, "It's because I don't want people to think I'm weak... I don't want to be picked on that I'm an Omega, let alone hiding it has been hard, with the fact I ran out of suppressants and had to ask Deku for some because I forgot to call them in." Bakugou put his face in his hands, another sigh escaping his mouth.

"Well, even if you're an Omega, I never once, and still do not think, that you're weak. You're actually very strong. I don't understand why people choose to pick on Omegas, they're not weak, the only difference is that the males can actually bear children, just like females can." Todoroki glanced at Bakugou, smiling at the blonde to reassure him, which he earned a chuckle as a response, "Thanks, IcyHot." Bakugou blushed.

"No problem." Todoroki chuckled softly.

They arrived at the mall.


&quot;Damn it, IcyHot!&quot; [TodoBaku] {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now