best friends (fluff & angst)

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(Tw.: mention of suicide in the beginning, a bit of a strong language)
<keyword: none.>

Alex was pretty worried the last couple of days because his best friend, Mik, hasn't texted him the last couple of days. Not to mention that Mik's other internet-friend took his own life on a video call a few days ago.

That fact made Alex so worried that he decided to just visit Mik. "Maybe I can cheer them up?", he assumed.

Luckily the blonde man has the key to Mik's apartment, just incase that Mik locked himself out again. "Now the key is even more useful", Alex grinned to himself while he unlocked the door and pushed it open.

He stepped inside and the first thing that he noticed was the funny smell, like burned cheese, and the few energy cans on the floor that he kicked away.

Alex fastly went to the apartment owner's room and kicked the door open just to see the tall man laying in his bed and staring at the ceiling. Alex looked a bit confused at him and went to the windows to rip the closed curtains open.

"Dude, you need some sunlight, you fucking emo vampire.", giggles Alex while he heard the other male letting out a hiss sound. "AHH JESUS-", screeched Mik. "Where the fuck did you came from?" He questioned while hiding under their blanket and rolling himself in like a sushi roll.

Alex rolled his eyes while throwing the blanket off of Mik. "I came from my own house, dumbass. Now get out of bed before I'll kick you out"

Mik let out a long groan while sitting up and hugging his own knees. This causes Alex to sigh, sit next to Mik and laying his arms around the sad man.

After a few minutes Alex finally speaks up:"You know that it wasn't your fault right?" Now it was Mik's turn to sigh. "I know.. but why didn't she told me how she felt?" Alex shrugged his shoulders, let go of Mik and started talking again: "I don't know, but you know what?" "Hm?" "We will have some fun right now, okay? Just me and you, you need some happiness." Alex jumped up of the bed and ruffled the youngers hair. "C'mon, stand up, lazy ass!", Alex giggles and helped Mik stand up:"Okay, okay, chi-"

Mik's sentence got interrupted with him tripping over their own feet. Mik fell on the floor while Alex tried too catch him. "OH FUC-", Alex started to laugh loudly and helped Mik up. "Not funny." While Mik tried to be very serious, he couldn't help himself but giggle a bit with Alex.

After the two young men finally stopped giggling they started their way to Alex' car.

"Where are we even going?", asked Mik while placing themselves into the from seat and looking to Alex, who tried to start the car. "You will see", Alex winked at Mik while he cringed at the man. "Please never do that again-", Mik said with a played disgusted voice.

Alex rolled his eyes and finally started the car and started driving.

Mik looked at the old radio and started zipping through it. "Urg, only bad fucking songs? You have a really bad taste, Alex." Alex looked really offended and made a "pfff" sound.

Mik continues zipping until he heard the song "Alien blues" from Vundabar.
"Finally something good.", Mik grinned and turned the radio up while leaning back into their seat.

Alex started tapping on his steering wheel while Mik hummed to the song.
After one minute Mik started to smile widely and looked to Alex, who had the same look as Mik on his face.

Mik was the first one to start singing the lyrics loudly:"I NEED TO PURGE MY URGE" "SHAME SHAME SHAME", they both sang out loud.

The whole car ride continued like this until Alex finally stopped the car and turned of the radio. "We are here!", Alex opened the car door and stepped out. Mik copied his actions and looked behind him, just to find a big leisure park.

"What the fuck.", Mik looked over to Alex. "I'm scared of heights are you fucking stupid?"

That made Alex giggle,"Dude, you weren't even near there yet, don't judge a place by it's cover!" "A place by it's cover..?", asked Mik, he was very confused by this sentence.

Alex just grabbed Mik's arm and went to the ticket-man. "Two Ticket's, please!", Alex placed the money aggressively onto the counter.
"I hate my job.",mumbled the man behind the counter and handed the two tickets to his customers.

Now Mik got a little bit exited, but just because he saw a turtle plushy and they really wanted one.

After a while the two young men sat on a bench. Mik had a turtle plushy tugged under his arm and a slice of pizza on a carton-plate in his hand while Alex had a sodacan plushy on his lap and also a slice of pizza in his mouth.

A young lady walked buy them. "Oh my god, you two are such a great couple!", she "complimented" the two and walked away again.

Alex looked confused to Mik, both aware that 1. Alex is aromantic and asexual 2. Mik was already taken.

They started laughing loudly while Alex tried not to choke on his pizza.

Mik smiled happily, forgetting about everything negative. He turned to his best friend and gave him a fist bumb while saying:"Thanks for this cool day dude, I really needed some distraction."

"No pronlem!", Alex smiled back and started eating his pizza again, hoping to not die this time.

972 Words (sorry that it's kinda short, I don't have much motivation atm, but yall can give me new ideas if u want :])

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