[Key]: And that was what fully brought Jotaro back to the present; the sensation of another, much smaller body slamming into his own. He dropped his cigarette out of shock. /Damnit./ He grabbed Alfons (kinda gently) by the shoulders and pulled him off whilst keeping a firm grip on his shoulders. "What the hell is your problem?"

[Bee]: Unfortunately, Alfons' mind, jolted back into focus by fear and adrenaline, processed the situation much faster than his body did. Frozen in place for a mere fraction of a second while he watched his vehicular demise approach, he suddenly felt himself yanked away by the arm, back towards the sidewalk, out of the way of danger. He struggled to catch his footing and stumbled and fell against a large man.
For another moment Alfons still couldn't move his body on his own. He simply huddled in place, trembling, eyes wide open in shock, breathing hard, until the man grabbed him and made him move. He looked up at the stranger, and began, "I-"
Oh. Big man.
Alfons blinked, and then felt his cheeks slowly burning redder as he stumbled out an apology, struggling to catch his breath at the same time. "I- I- I'm so sorry! I didn't mean t- Something, er, someone grabbed my arm, I don't- That car almost hit me, I th- I thought it- But then I-? I'm sorry, truly-" Unable to step back with the stranger's hands still tight on his shoulders, he looked away quickly and forced his breathing to calm some more.

[Key]: As soon as Alfons was safely on the side walk, Star Platinum let go and began rambling off in oras. Exactly what was being said was clear to only Jotaro. "Ora, ora, ora, ora. Ora, ora, ora. Ora! Ora, ora, ora, ora, ora. Ora, ora, ora. Ora. Ora. Oraaaa...ora, ora, or-"
Jotaro looked away from Alfons. He glared off to his right where Star Platinum hovered and ora'd. Or at least where /he/ could see the Stand, God knows that Alfons couldn't. "He can't see you." He muttered through grit teeth. His voice was rather deep and low, lower especially since he was addressing the Stand and trying to make it not look like he was talking to, well, nothing. "So he can't hear you either."
"Ora..." Star Platinum went quiet afterwards.
Jotaro turned his attention back to Alfons and gave him a once-over. Short, scrawny, pale, looked like he had just seen a ghost. Yep, that's an Alfons alright. The corner of his lips twitched into a slight sneer, almost like the sort one would see on an upset wolf. It wasn't one of disgust though, just one of annoyance. And even then, that annoyance was directed towards his Stand more than the boy (adjacent). He let go of Alfons and moved to fold his arms over his (rather broad) chest. Jotaro continued to stare down with icily green eyes from underneath the brim of his hat. He huffed out a sigh and moved a hand up to pull the brim down lower. "Good grief...just be glad you're alive." He muttered through his teeth. "Don't you have a family to get back to or something? You should go do that." Clearly he's underestimated how old Alfons is. Oh well.

[Bee]: Alfons blinked and looked back at Jotaro's face, his breath coming under control again, though the adrenaline buzz still coursed through him. His face hardened, and he huffed out a small breath. His voice was just a little shriller than usual with his heightened anxiety. "I don't have a family to get back to, thanks." Uh oh, Jotaro, that's a sensitive spot. "I'm not a little child anyway." (Well, legally you still are, Fons, but ok-) "I'm sorry for running into you, I'll be going now." He moved to step around Jotaro—had to move quite a bit, as the other was quite large—to head towards the bakery door (probably to go sit quietly inside for a few minutes before trying to order anything), hugging around himself and rubbing his arms to try and rid himself of the lingering shock of terror.
As he stepped away he looked left and right up the street—who was it that grabbed his arm? He didn't think it was the large man in dark clothes, he would have seen a figure like that in the corner of his eye. But no one else was close by. He was too freaked out to worry much about anything more than getting inside and sitting down right now, though.

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