Once I asked the question, my father and my brother looked at each other meaningfully. I knew that there was something that I didn't know yet, and that made me nervous because I remembered the moments just before I lost consciousness vividly. I could still feel the force of the impact of the truck on our car when I closed my eyes.

"Dad, is everything ok? Is Aryan alright?" I asked them getting more nervous by the looks of them. They both looked at each other again but this time in confusion.

And then I remembered something else. 'The baby!' "Dad, is the baby okay? What happened to the baby? I was... I was bleeding." I asked them looking helpless. It was frustrating when they stood there with confused looks without answering my questions.

"Just tell me something!" I yelled. "How long have I been out? How many days?"

"Days?" my brother finally spoke. "You were in a coma for seven years, Deva." He said hesitantly.

My eyes darted to my dad and to my brother trying to make sense of what he said. I was expecting one of them to smirk and tell me it was a prank. "What do you mean seven years? You are kidding right, Sam?" I chuckled nervously. "Tell me you are kidding because this is not funny," I told him.

"Just tell me what date is today?" I asked him when he stayed quiet.

"It's the 9th of February 2022." He said and I sighed in relief. Although I was unconscious for a month, give or take, it was better than hearing for seven years.

"I was out for a month, huh?" I mumbled to myself.

"How did you bring me from Malaysia? Where is Aryan?" I asked them.

My father and my brother stood there like a statue, unmoving with confusion etched on their faces. "I better call the doctor." My father informed, as a matter of fact, and walked out of the room. "take care of her." He added pointing at my brother before he left.

"Deva, What are you talking about?" my brother asked me as he approached the bed and took a seat in front of me. "What do you mean how we brought you from Malaysia? You've never been to Malaysia and you... you don't even have a passport." my brother replied.

It was my turn to be confused. I blinked my eyes in confusion as he took my hand in his hands slowly.

"You were angry when Dad refused to send you to the Philippines for college. You ran out of the house crying and you got into an accident. A car hit you when you crossed the road without looking. Remember?" He slowly but carefully explained.

"But... But that was... seven years ago." I said as fear crept through my body. I didn't want to believe what he was saying, but part of me believed my brother without me knowing because of the look he gave me and it was terrifying.

"Exactly." He replied. "You were badly injured and have been in a coma ever since."

"No... No way... you are lying." I said pulling my hand out of his harshly. Tears trickled down my cheeks as part of me considered the possibility of it. Meanwhile, my father entered the room with the doctor and a nurse.

"What did you say to her?" my father scolded my brother when he saw me crying.

If what they were saying was true, if I was in a coma for seven years then what are those seven years of memories in my head? I remember every day since the moment I boarded the plane to the Philippines. I looked at all the people standing around me helplessly, hoping that someone would say what my brother said was a lie.

"What was the last thing you remember, Deva?" the doctor asked me noticing my inner struggle.

"I ... I was in Malaysia... with Aryan." I stuttered as I was anxious and talking at the same time I was remembering. "We... We were happy and... and I was pregnant... I was pregnant but then I started bleeding. Aryan was taking me to the hospital and then... and then a big truck drove right into us." I closed my eyes as I relived the moment again. "I was in pain and I could smell petrol. I saw Aryan on the driver's seat, there was blood all over him and he was unconscious." My voice croaked and tears escaped my eyes when I remembered.

"Aryan... Where is he? Is he alright?" I asked them opening my eyes.

"Who is Aryan, Deva?" the doctor asked me casually, and that irked me.

"Aryan, the... the one who was with me when the accident happened," I said in agitation. When no one did anything except look at each other, it made me scared.

"I need to see him. I need to see if he is okay." talking to myself I tried to get down from my bed but my legs gave away. Thankfully my brother caught me and helped me to sit back asking me to slow down.

"And... And... and the baby... is my baby okay?" I asked them rubbing my stomach gently. I already knew it was a long shot as I was bleeding profusely when we were on the way to the hospital but a mother could hope, right?

"What baby, Deva?" My father spoke this time. "Calm down, Ava. You are scaring us," he said as his voice croaked.

"No Dad, I remember... I remember everything. Let me go... let me see him." I pushed my brother away and tried to move frantically.

The doctor noticed that I was getting frantic and signalled the nurse to hold me. The nurse and my brother on either side held me pinning me down on the bed.

"Let me go, Dad... please. Let me see him once." I begged, helplessly kicking my legs as I broke into tears. My father held my legs and they tried their best to keep me down.

"Sedate her." The doctor ordered the nurse. "This is not good for her. At this rate, she might even seizure. She is still recovering from the brain haemorrhage." He informed my dad and my dad nodded his head listening, as his eyes welled up to the brim watching me struggle.

With my dad and brother's help, the nurse managed to inject the drug into my IV line. Within minutes I started to feel the effect, I felt my body getting tired and my eyes drooped involuntarily.

"Aryan..." That was the last thing I could remember saying before everything went black.

Enjoy Reading -T

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