Chapter 1

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Hi! So I know that this probably sucks but hey I guess your here reading this somehow but it's nice to meet you! Sooo here's some stuff you should know before you read.    

* ... . * ( pretend like the dots are words ) that means there thinking

Also I made Lan Jingyi have schizophrenia in this one! He calls his voices Mao and Dao (totally unoriginal I know)

(....) that means Dao's talking and this —.......— means Mao's talking

Also this is very gay story so if you don't like that then very kindly leave and don't give any hate. Also this I won't be posting super duper often.

* Jin Jingyi hey that actually sounds kinda good but Lan Ling sounds better. Wait a minute what the hell am I thinking!?!* Jin Ling rolled his body over to face the window. *Why do I feel like the sun is glaring at me for sleeping till eight instead of five?* Jin Ling sat on the edge of the bed. *I could just go back to sleep since todays a off day.* A banging on his door pulled Jin Ling out of his thoughts. Come in! Young Mistress do you know what time it is? Lan Jingyi gave him a fake glare. Uh 8:00 am? Wrong it's 11:00 am. Eleven!?! Yes it's eleven in the morning not eight. Lan Jingyi sat down next to Jin Ling. (Ask A-Ling to lay down with you!) — Dao what is he going to say Oh hey I'm a total            cut-sleeve  and have a major crush on you would you please lay down with me. — *I can see that going in a horrible direction* (You could fake faint?) *I can't deal with your stupidity anymore.*  Hey Young Mistress? Yeah? How do you feel about cut-sleeves? Uhm I don't really mind them why? Oh no reason just wondering. Ok. I'm going to go back to sleep you can stay in here and sleep or leave and do whatever else you do. (Choose sleep!) — Please choose sleep — Uhh I'll stay in here and sleep. K. Jin Ling crawled to the other side of the bed and somehow managed to get himself under the covers. He raised the blanket on the other side. Are you going to sit on the edge all day or are you going to come lay down? Ohh sorry got lost in thought. It's fine but hurry up my arm is getting tired. Lan Jingyi crawled under the blanket and laid there staring at Jin Ling's back. Soon enough Lan Jingyi let himself be lulled to sleep by Jin Ling's soft breathing.

Jin Ling opened his eye's from the commotion going on. Son of a bitch! He yelled out loud alerting everyone he was awake and waking Lan Jingyi up as well. That's always a pleasant way to be woken up. Lan Jingyi said with his eyes still closed. You would have said the same thing too and could you please move your arm off of me. Yeah sorry. Jin Ling sat up on the bed and moved his body to where he was sitting on the edge of the bed completely losing his inner robe completely. *Shit! This looks even more incriminating. Did we really move around that much to make my robe come off?* It seem's our sweet little A-Lings not a virgin anymore. Wei Ying sentence made Lan Jingyi fall out of the bed. Did you really just fall out of bed out of shock? You would have to if that was the first thing you heard waking up in the morning! We'll leave the two of you alone. Lan XiChen said while grabbing on to Wei Ying knowing he would be the hardest one to make leave.

Guys I have a question. Lan Sizuhi said while fiddling with his fingers. What's up? How long have you two been together? A-Yuan we aren't together we are just friends. Yeah I fell asleep in the Young Mistress's bed nothing else happened.

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