Ch 18

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Saturday August 3rd

You looked at yourself in the mirror making sure your f/c yukata looked okay. As soon as you entered your living room you saw Tanaka, Emma, and Hinata waiting for you. Grabbing Tanaka's hand with a smile, you looked at the others. "Ready to go?" Everyone nodded and the four of you headed out to the festival.

As you climbed the steps you noticed two blondes waiting at the top of the steps. A small smile graced your lips when you watched Emma rush to Drakens side. The tall male looked down at the tiny blonde girl, "What took you so long." I giggled at the boy's childishness. "It's good to see you too, Draken."

Draken finally looked over to you. "Tanaka, good to see you again and N/n, looking lovely as always." The corners of his lips twitching up slightly. He was glad to see you happy again. The six of you started off walking all together through the festival. But at some point you lost Hinata and Takemichi.

Throughout the night you followed Emma's lead, letting her do as she pleased. Tanaka had insisted that he pay for everything, much to your dismay. But he wanted to spoil you tonight. The four of you walked booth to booth, exploring all of the different things to do. Suddenly your e/c eyes caught sight of a f/c plush kitten that was a prize at one of the game booths. Tanaka noticed your stare and immediately pulled you closer to the booth.

The bald headed boy slammed cash down on the counter determined to win a prize for you. He then turned to you with a mischievous smile on his face. "Can I have a kiss for good luck?" You blushed slightly but obliged, placing a delicate kiss on his lips. The booth attendant rolled his eyes, having seen enough sappy couples throughout the night. The attendant placed 5 balls on the counter. The goal was to throw at least 3 into a bucket without them bouncing out in order to get the prize you wanted. Seemed easy enough.

But unfortunately it wasn't that easy. Tanaka had tried over and over, spending a good sum of money just to prove he could win you something. Out of frustration Tanaka decided to try and spike the ball into the bucket. It landed inside but came bouncing right back out hitting Tanaka straight in the forehead. You rushed to his side grabbing both of his cheeks with your delicate hands. "Are you okay Ryu?" He nodded his head giving you a sheepish smile. "I'm fine." Concern was still written all over your face, standing up on your toes you kissed the red mark on his forehead.

A dark red blush covered his face, turning his head to the side so you hopefully wouldn't see it. That is until both your attention was caught by the sky. While the both of you were distracted it had started to pour. Cursing lightly under your breath you grabbed Tanaka's hand leading him to the nearest shopping booth to pick up umbrellas.

When you arrived you noticed Emma and Draken there as well. After purchasing two umbrellas the four of you decided it was time to head out. Tanaka held an umbrella for the two of you while Draken held one above his and Emma's head. I looked up at Tanaka and gave a light kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for coming with me tonight Ryu." He smiled down at me and left a lingering kiss on my forehead. Tanaka's lips felt so gentle that it made you blush slightly.

The two of you began to make your way to the parking lot when you saw Draken and Emma stopped up ahead. Peh was with them as well, but he was wearing his Toman uniform with a sash. "Hey Peh!" You waved slightly at the boy but only received a glare in return. Something didn't feel right.

You walked up next to Draken, turning around slightly to tell Tanaka to stay back next to Emma. But you were cut off by a yell. "Draken, Y/n. Look out!" Your head whipped around but it was too late. Two men with baseball bats had jumped out and hit both you and Draken in the head.

Landing on the ground with a hard thud all you could hear was muffled voices and ringing in your ears. Vision coming in and out of focus while blood started pouring down your face.

Tanaka's body wouldn't move, his eyes were wide as he watched you fall to the ground. It felt like time had frozen. He didn't even realize that the man who had hit you with the bat was aiming for him next. The boy was only able to snap out of his daze when he heard you yell his name. You had grabbed the bat just before it could hit Tanaka, ripping the bat from the assailant's hands before punching the man hard in the face. Looking down you recognized the uniform and glared hard.

"Really Peh! You're teaming up with Moebius of all people!" Peh grit his teeth in anger at your words. "What about you Y/n?! Pah loved you like a sister and you turned your back on him and took Draken's side!" You stared at the boy, confusion written all over your face. "I never took anyone's side! I've known Pah since he was a kid, I would never turn my back on him!"

Peh looked at you in disbelief, he had seen you meeting up with Draken while him and Mikey were fighting. He knew you were lying, you took Drakens side, you abandoned Pah, and he would never forgive you for it. Peh turned around and bolted down the staircase towards the parking lot. The four of you follow closely behind him.

But as you reached the bottom of the steps all you could see were men in Moebius uniforms. Your head was pounding and your vision wouldn't focus completely but you knew what was about to happen. All you could think about at the moment was protecting Tanaka and Emma. Turning to Draken with a slight smirk on your face. "Are you ready for this?" Draken looked at you with a large smile on his face while cracking his knuckles and yelling "Hell yeah!" Then without a second thought the two of you took off towards the group of Moebius members.


I'm Back from vacation and the semester is almost over which hopefully means a more regular posting schedule! Hope you all enjoy!

Torn to Pieces Tanaka x fem! readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon