"Is there a problem, kiddo?" Barbra asked, placing a gentle hand on her son's shoulder. 

Jim's shoulders relaxed at her touch before holding the hand on his shoulder with his own. "No, not really…" Jim started. "It's just… this was when I started to doubt myself… Draal was kind of ruthless…" 

"So, how is this of any relevance?" Archie asked as he perched on Douxie's shoulder. "I mean, our final objective is to defeat the Arcane order is it not?" The cat asked. 

Douxie frowned at his familiar for a second, almost forgetting how harsh he could be towards people he didn't deem family. He didn't miss the hurt look Jim had tried to hide due to Archie's comment. 

With a sigh, the wizard leaned against the wall next to the board. "Archie has a point." He began, and it was true. Their end goal was to defeat the Arcane Order, but that didn't mean they should just focus on that problem. 

Jim opened his mouth to speak, only to be stopped by Douxie. "But, at this moment the Arcane Order isn't our top priority. Toby is." At his words, the dragon familiar looked at his wizard, eyes wide in surprise. 

"But Douxie-" 

"No, Archie, Toby should be our main focus right now. He needs a lot more training than Jim did and he's definitely going to be needing all the help he could get. There's no doubt that he can do it, he just needs to be pointed in the right direction." The wizard gave his dragon a stern look. 

Archie stared into his wizard's eyes, peering deep into his soul. With a sigh, Archie gently nuzzled Douxie's cheek. "You've grown, Douxie…" the cat whispered lightly, finally realising how he should trust Hisirdoux more. Finally realising that the wizard no longer needed Archie to keep him grounded. "You don't need me anymore, do you?"

Douxie picked up his familiar from off his shoulder, gently holding the cat in a hug. "No matter what Archie, I'll always need you." The small show of affection caused the dragon to purr lightly, enjoying the hug. 

Jim and Barbara watched the other two with a small smile. Soon their hug broke, Archie once again sitting on Douxie's shoulder, as they averted their attention back to the board. 

"So…" Jim started walking up next to the wizard. "Got a plan?" 

Douxie looked over to Jim, then back to the timeline before smirking. "Oh, I got one. But you might not like it. At least I know Vendel won't." 

This caused both Jim and Barbara to tense. "Douxie…" Archie started, sending his wizard a small glare, causing said wizard to raise his hands up. 

"Before you start, I promise it shouldn't be anything too dangerous." He said holding back a cackle. "Now, hear me out…" 


Toby, Claire, and Jim were in Trollmarket for Toby's training. Claire and Jim offered to train with Toby just so they would be able to fend for themselves if the time ever needed it. 

Currently, Blinky was circling the group of three, a couple of rocks in hand. Toby was in his armour, Daylight out and ready. 

"Wider stance, Master Tobias. Keep your frame. No, that's good, that's good, Lady Claire. Yes, well done Master Jim! That's it!" Blinky instructed, trying to teach the teens how to take a proper battle stance. 

"Alright, raise your weapons." As per Blinky's command, the three teens did as told. Toby with his Daylight, Claire with a Bo Staff, and Jim with a sword of his own. Slowly, Blinky inspected the trio, correcting their stances and weapons as AARRRGGHH!! Sat in the corner of the forge eating the contents of a paper bag that was brought by Toby, before the bag was eaten as well, causing the Krubera to burp. 

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