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Hello and thank you for reading this! It still needs to be edited but I'll get round to that when I no longer have exams, the joys of university. I wanted to clear some things up because I know a few things aren't clear. I wanted to explain Eudora, Aurora's death and my original ideas for this book.

So, I didn't write about Eudora (Aurora's ancestor) in Fear Street 1666, well, I didn't write the flashback to 1666 at all. The reason for that was because Eudora's history is set slightly after Sarah Fier, and while she was close to Sarah, she wasn't extremely involved in her hanging and truthfully I wasn't sure how to go about it. If I wrote it you would've only seen her when Sarah gave Solomon the pig, when she needed a place to hide (Eudora doesn't find the tunnels until a while after this so she would be barely involved), the hanging and then burying her body.

In my mind, Eudora was an older sister figure to Sarah and was Solomon Goodes wife. Eudora didn't truly know if Sarah was a witch or not. She believed her husband when he said she was but didn't think Sarah was 'evil' or caused what happened with Cyrus Miller, mostly because she knew Sarah would never harm her own brother or other children.

A little while after Sarah's death, Eudora found the cave with the names, symbols and a diary Solomon had written detailing what he had done to Cyrus Miller, Sarah and the deal with the devil, etc. This is where Eudora's story really starts.

Eudora confronted him and he claimed it was a mistake and he would fix it. While she was angry and upset, she still loved him so she believed him and constantly gave him the benefit of the doubt. After a while, she realised he wasn't looking for a way out and chose to confront him again.

This obviously caused an argument and he explained the deal was good and that it gave them good fortune, etc. Claiming it was for her and their future family, and that it "wasn't a curse, it was a blessing". Eudora gave him an ultimatum, either he finds a way out for his sake and hers or she would tell everyone what he had done and show them proof to clear Sarah's name. Solomon replied that "If I die, you die with me. That's the only way this ends." (That part's important).

Solomon was held in high regard for capturing 'the witch', so the council (town meeting people? whatever they're called, you know, those people) trusted him. He told the council that he discovered that his wife was a witch and that she was the one who taught Sarah everything she knew. This was believable because Eudora and Sarah were very close and everyone was terrified of witches and would rather kill an innocent than risk it. The council obviously decided to hang her. 

Eudora Goode, née Black, was hung for her crimes as no one would believe her innocence. Solomon Goode buried her somewhere in the tunnels because be despite what he did he loved her in a twisted way and wanted her near him (and partly to spite her because she gave up a good life as she didn't agree with his actions).

Eudora Black is not related to Nick, Eudora was killed before she could have children with Solomon. Solomon remarried and carried on his bloodline that way. Eudora also had brothers and that's how her bloodline continued. (Don't worry, Nick and Aurora are not related).

Aurora died at the end of the book when Nick died because she was married to him and love him as Eudora loved Solomon. Remember that part I said was important? Before Solomon had her killed, it was agreed in the deal with the devil that if he dies, his wife would die with him. So because Nick was killed, Aurora had to die as well.

However, the reason Nick's mum didn't die when his dad did was that he had already passed the burden to Nick. And because Aurora didn't have a son with Nick it couldn't be passed on, therefore she died as the curse ended.

Hopefully, that shines some light on the things I didn't make clear. Now on to my original ideas.

In the original book, I had written that it was going to be Aurora that killed Nick to save Deena, however, I decided that she wouldn't be able to harm him that way because although she agreed with him dying, she loved him too much to do that. Aurora was also going to be pregnant and that's why she agreed to kill Nick as she didn't want to pass the burden onto her child that was most likely going to be a boy because of the curse, but I wanted to kill Aurora and I didn't feel right killing her if she was pregnant and that's why it was a pregnancy scare instead.

Melissa also wasn't going to die originally, she was going to survive like Ziggy but only barely and she was going to help kill Nick or become a Shadyside killer, however, I needed motivation for Rory to kill Nick and I didn't think he would make her a killer because of his love for Aurora.

Melissa was going to be on life-support for a while but eventually recover due to the good fortune Sunnyvalers had, but I decided she needed to die and her parents took her off life support before she could miraculously get better as she would've. This meant Aurora blamed her parents for Melissa's death and not Nick for a long time.

I also debated making Melissa and Ziggy lovers when they were older if Aurora died but I scrapped that idea and decided it made more sense for Ziggy to love Rory and that's why she forgave her so easily. Because despite telling Aurora that she couldn't forgive her, Ziggy did and that's why some of her last words to Aurora was that she forgave her. It's also an unrequited love as Aurora couldn't love anyone other than Nick.

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