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16 years ago, Lesley has met her little brother, Harley. He was a really cute boy with ginger hair and green emarled eyes, that day he was still a baby, vurenable and weak, so Lesley's job is to taking care of him when their parents go for work. Of course she take really good care of him, well... not only... her is in the house that time. There was also someone else...

One day Harley was crying cause he was hungry, so Lesley went to make some milk for his brother so he can stop crying. She could hear the crying from the kitchen downstair so she tried to make the milk fast, and she didn't have much time because he might get tired and moght have a sore throat if she didn't hurry, beside their parents will be back at night.

Then suddenly, the crying stopped, all Lesley could hear was small giggles from Harley. It made her scared a bit because only her and Harley was at home... who was he giggled to... if there's no one else home but them...?

When Lesley back to the room where his little brother was laying on the crib, she saw nothing but only Harley was giggling while look at the ceiling. Lesley start to got confuse a bit but she didn't care much and just let his little brother drinking the milk, while kept looking around to see if anyone was hiding in the room.

Years passed by and Harley is now a boy, he loves doing magic and want to explore the Land of Dawn, that make his sister - Lesley, who is now a wonderful sniper happy. She glad Harley has friends, that mean he won't be alone. His friends are amazing to her, and to him as well, they usually hang out after training, everything seems perfect to the mage according to the sniper.

Well, except one thing, she sometimes sees the mage talking to himself, and laughing, it've happened since when she heard the small giggles of her brother when he was still a little baby, at least that's what she thinks. She wonders, is there's someone that Harley can only see, that no one else can't?

Today, it's happening again... she hear the laughing and talkimg from her little brother again, every night, they're not too loud, but enough for her to hear evrything. He's talking about today's training, the hang out with his friends today, and other things else, and of course, no reply she hear, as always. Lesley decide going his room to ask about it.

She stand up, and walk to Harley's room. The door was closed, but she still hearing the small laughing of her little brother, she slowly call him.

"Harley? Is it ok if I come in and talk to you a while?" - The sniper asks.

She hear the mage voice respond to her.

"Oh just a second sister!" - He said. Then he turn to a small mist form is flowling and whisper something, then the mist form vasished away. Harley once again turn into the door, where the sniper is waiting outside.

"You can go in now sister!" - The mage said to her.

Hear that she can go in, Lesley open the door and goes in slowly, she see her brother is just sitting the bed.

"Is something you want to ask me sister Lesley?" - he ask her and give her a warm big smile.

The sniper smiles as well when she see her brother is still ok. Then she start to ask about what happened for years.

"Well I notice you have a... friend that seem to be quiet I guess..?" - Lesley said with some nervous in her voice."Is it ok if I meet that friend of yours Harley..?"

"Oh!" - The mage surprise when his sister ask him about that. "Well I do have another friend sister, but he's my boyfriend now and really not that quiet actually." - He said while scratch the back of his head. "He's usually make me laugh and listen to the story I told! He even help me do the magic as well! Harith is his name sister Lesley!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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