12 || Fansign

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[ - sophia kim - ]

Hours have passed and I've already finished all of my works and I've decided to head to bed since it's getting late. It was then I suddenly received a call from Joshua. A video call.

I answered it as it might be important. He rarely calls me at this hour. We did chat for a bit not too long before this so maybe that's why he called.

It's already 2 AM tho but it's alright

≿----- ❈ -----≾

Shua ya 안녕

안녕 자기야 ~

Why did you call ??

Anything important my
honey ??

It's not really important
to be honest

I just wanted to talk with

Am I disturbing ?

No, not at all

I've just finished doing all
of my works so yeah, I'm
pretty much free now

That's good to hear

[ We had a long conversation
for sure ]

[ He looks tired... ]

Shua ya

Hm ?

Are you having your insomnia
again ???

[ He was quiet for a bit
but he nodded ]


You should've told me that

Something's on your mind ?

Nothing really

I'm probably just tired from
all of the promotions

Please don't overwork much

If it's getting worst, you should
see a doctor okay ?

[ He laughed softly ]

As expected from my 자기
huh ?

You too shouldn't oveework

I understand that you're busy
most of the time, but please
take care of yourself

Will do will do

I've been wanting to ask you
something if it's alright with

Hm ?

What is it ?

Why did you join that fansign
of mine ?

I mean, I'm not angry or annoyed
by it, but I'm purely curious

We could've just met whenever
we want to right ?

Oh, I was just applying it as
a joke

Y'know, for fun

But when I won a spot, I was
genuinely happy and was
really excited to see you

You know

As a fan

I hope you enjoyed my company
earlier though,,,

Of course I did 자기야

And I understand that of you

Must've been nice right ?

I'm glad that I managed to
satisfy you though during
the sign earlier

Seeing you earlier made me
really happy, but it was sad
that we had limited time
since it was for work

Well, that's why I'm calling
you now

[ Gosh this guy is such
a sweet talker ]

That's sweet of you

Well, I wanted to say something
earlier, but was cut off by the

So can I say it now ?

Oh ?

Of course, yes

[ He sat down and I did
too ]

Do you promise me that we'd
get married in the future ?

[ I held out my pinkie ]

[ He was surprised but
then again he just laughed
and held up his pinkie ]

I promise

Well, it's getting late and we
have a long day ahead of us
my honey

Ah, it has gotten this late

That's a shame

I'll see you tomorrow then ?

If you're free

Sure, hit me up

I'll try to make some times for


I love you 자기야 ~

I love you too my honey


≿----- ❈ -----≾

I just laughed as I laid down on my bed again. Despite us dating for 3 years already, my heart would flutter whenever it's you whom I'm talking to

I love you forever my honey

+ E n d +

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