Gambling Life and Death

Start from the beginning

*Knock *Knock

"So you finally arrived. Took you long enough."

I go to the door and slowly open it just to make sure this isn't a trap or anything. Thank you for that tip, Kiyotaka.

I took a peek outside and saw no one but when I look down, chills instantly went down my spine as I see a familiar girl on the ground, completely passed out.

"Oh my god..."

I quickly drag her inside the room then close the door immediately.

"How the hell did you even get involved in this mess?"

But the important question was, who was the one that brought her in the first place?

"Well, atleast my task is complete. I hope."

Satou POV

What the hell is happening?! Why did she have to hang herself?! First, Karuizawa-san now Amikura-san as well?! How many times to I have to see people die infront of me?!
Why do the people I care about always lead to suicide?! I barely knew Amikura-san yet when it comes to this, it always leads up to me being the first to see it!

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, what do I do, what do I do, what do I do?!"

"Maya, calm down. I need you to do something quick."

"How can I calm down when there's another dead body infront of me?"

I force myself to lower my voice as the last thing I want is people nearby hearing me freak out over a dead girl.

"Relax. You only need to cut the rope down and check her pulse. There's a small chance that she may be alive."

"What?! That's--"

"Let me talk to her. Maya, calm your ass down and do what Kiyo says!"

"Learn to be quiet."

"Yeah, yeah. Anyway, cut the noose and check her pulse. We can't afford to lose another student because of these traitors, got it? Me and Kiyo are on our way there so quit panicking and get on with it!"

Satsuki hangs up.

"This is so messed up..."

I quickly went to the kitchen to get a knife then grab the fallen chair so I could reach the rope.

"I'm gonna get you out of this, Amikura-san. Don't you--ouch!"

My hands won't stop shaking that I can't even cut the rope properly. I'm panicking so much that I accidentally cut myself.

Blood started to drop off hands because of the cut. Luck seriously isn't on my side.

After a bit of struggling, I finally managed to cut the noose around her neck but now I'm facing a bigger problem as the chair started to wobble. I didn't think this through since I am now carrying an almost-dead Amikura-san.

"Shit, shit, shit!..."

I tried my best to balance myself but the leg of the chair suddenly broke, causing both me and Amikura-san to fall down on the floor.

What a terrible night this has been. I see a girl hanged herself, I accidentally cut myself, now I'm on the floor with every inch of my body in excruciating pain from the fall.

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