Face Your Past, Captain

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"Bullshit! Favor my ass, you sent the only family I ever had to march straight to death's door! You don't get to talk about favors. Now stop beating behind the bush..."

"....and tell me.....what do you mean, I left them behind to die...? Who are.....they?" Ghost's fury quickly shifted meek as he reluctantly asked his own former general, his hand, although shaking, still bravely was pointed towards the three masked men who stood mere meters in front of him. Coincidentally at this moment, Dobermann's squad had managed to catch up and were now also present inside the spacious white room.

"Oh, these lads? Hahaha...what a beautiful story this is becoming by the minute. What a touching reunion for us all, isn't it? Isn't that right boys?" The so called General quite pridefuly says as he slowly pushed a button amongst the many other buttons on the other many control panels in the room he was in. The anticipation all boiled up to the masks from the masked men to fall off suspensefully one by one, revealing their faces.

All too familiar faces.

".....wha..?" Ghost's eyes widened, 

"E-Echo?" one mask fell down,
"Smo..ke?" two masks fell down,
"One...?" three masks fell down,

"It's really...you guys!" Ghost couldn't contain himself. After all these years, the loneliness, the emptiness, the suffocating sea of guilt his heart has been constantly struggling with. The man was shouting in excitement, you could tell his overjoy was pouring out from his face even covered in mask, but the three masked men had no reply, or any sort of reaction at that. Their faces remained stoic, though their body seemed to have some absurd jerking, a sort of convulsion in some parts of their limbs.

"Guys....?" His smile disappeared. What was once a wide grin slowly warped upside down. He still kept trying to call out again and again to his mates, though seemingly futile.

"They can't hear you, 'captain'" The general uttered again, heavily pressing an emphasis on the word 'captain' in a very clear mocking tone,

"You! You told me they were dead! You lied to me! Why?!" Ghost quickly redirected his attention, his eyes were steadily filling with resentment flowing from its irises,

"You're naive. You really just believe anything your superior says. Haaa...you really are just an obedient little killing machine. You are truly a wonderful piece of work."

"What the hell did you do!?"

"What did I do? I just turned them to become like you, their captain. Efficient killing machines, albeit they didn't come out as perfect as your parents' results. Quite underwhelming, really. Disappointing even."

"My...parents...?" One after another, more things were being revealed to him in this short moment of time. His head was starting to feel fuzzy.

"You really know nothing, do you? Do you know who was it that gave you the sheer amount of power in your arts that you have now? The power, AND the pain."

"You...don't... mean.."

"Bingo! It was your own parents who experimented on you! Talk about heritage, they themselves made you their own subject for their own experiment! Guess you could say they never really loved you at all, did they?"


"But aren't you glad? You now hold the power to blow up whole of Terra if you wanted to! You're a walking catastrophe, some people would kill for that kind of power! You're that strong, you should be really thankful to them for that!"

"..." Ghost seemed as if his brain's systems had fried up. He was frozen, unmoved from the dreadful bits of information he'd been revealed to.

"I expected as much, though your silence now is making me bored. I guess Always knew you were the silent type. Hmm.....What will you show me now if I do this?," The general grinned a vile filled smile and presses yet another button on the panel with countless others, which at first, seemed to do nothing. But then a shouting voice could be heard, coming from a member of the three masked men, a voice which brought about relief to Ghost,

Codename: Ghost - An Arknights OC Fanfiction.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat