Bonus Chapter - A Carter Christmas

Start from the beginning

She pulls away with her brows furrowed. "And?"

I nod once. "Good point. Merry Christmas, Anna."

She grins at me. "Merry Christmas, Layla."

"Blondie!" Here we go again. These two are made for each other, I swear.

Liam is the next to tackle me, picking me up and swinging me around a little. "Merry Christmas, Blondie!"

I laugh, feeling a little dizzy once he's set me back on my feet. "Merry Christmas, Liam. You know you saw me yesterday too, right? And you literally drove home with us from college?"

He rolls his eyes at me. "Christmas is my favourite holiday, let me be excited."

"Merry Christmas, Layla!" My attention is drawn away when Cody walks over to me and I crouch down to wrap him up in a hug.

"Merry Christmas, Cody. Did you get any cool presents from Santa?" I ask.

He nods excitedly and tugs me over to where Max is still busy reading the instructions of the Lego with furrowed brows. He looks up when he sees me and gives me a smile. "Merry Christmas, Layla."

"Merry Christmas, Max. You okay over here?" I ask, eyebrows raised.

He huffs, looking back down at the booklet. "Sometimes it takes forever to find the right pieces."

I nod, "There is a lot going on here. You guys handling it though?"

Cody gives an excited nod. "It's from Star Wars!" He starts explaining the build to me and I try to follow along, a smile on my face. I love how excited he gets about these things.

My gaze is momentarily drawn away from him when my sister walks in the room. Her eyes quickly fall on Max and her smile is noticeably brighter. Those two have been friends for over a year now and it's obvious how much they care for each other. It's also blatantly obvious that they both still have a crush on one another, but I'll never say anything. That's something they should work through on their own with time.

Max hasn't noticed her yet, so I watch as she creeps up behind him, pausing for a second before suddenly placing her hands on his shoulders. "Boo!"

He jumps in his seat, quickly spinning around to look at her. The grin that lights up his face when he sees her is one I haven't seen him use on anyone else. He laughs, quickly grabbing her hand and tugging her down to sit beside him. He angles himself towards her and she does the same, bent over the booklet in his hands as he speaks. Her eyes are only on him though and it makes me smile.

My attention returns to Cody as he begins telling me about the other presents he opened this morning. A moment later I feel a body join me on the floor and I look to my right. Reece gives me a soft smile, moving his hand into my lap. I mirror his smile, naturally taking his hand in both of mine and fiddling with his fingers.

My wandering touch travels to the bracelet on his wrist. The one he's been wearing for exactly a year now. It's crazy to think that last Christmas, we both had feelings for each other but we still waited so long to finally get together.

I lean my head on his shoulder, and look around, a smile on my face. Cody is happily chatting away. Max and Bella are in their own little world, laughing and smiling. When I look over shoulder, my dad is talking with Reece's parents who are now standing in the living room as well. Reece's grandparents are talking and watching everyone with happy smiles. Liam has Anna pulled down in her lap as he sits on the floor beside the coffee table, chatting away to her grandmother.

My gaze returns to the man sitting beside me and I find his eyes already settled on me. He leans down to rest his forehead against mine, whispering, "What are you thinking about?"

I can't stop my smile as I tilt my chin, pressing my lips against his. I linger on the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away just slightly. "I'm thinking about how happy I am. And how much I love everyone here right now."

He smiles as well then reaches out, hands clasping around my waist. He tugs me a little closer to the point where I'm almost in his lap. "But you love me most, right?"

I laugh and nod, kissing him and again and then once more just because. "Absolutely. I will always love you the most, Reece Carter."

"Good," He hums, "Because I will always love you the most, my Sunshine. Merry Christmas, my love."

I smile and kiss him again. "Merry Christmas."


A/N -

Surprise!!! Merry Christmas everyone!!

I thought I'd give my amazing readers a little gift this holiday season and upload this Christmas bonus chapter for His Sunshine. I hope you enjoyed! Let me know what you think!! Do you guys want any more bonus chapters? And if so, what would you want them to be about?

Thank you so, so much for reading!! I love you so much! Happy holidays and Merry Christmas!!!

~ Pink Flamingo

~ Pink Flamingo

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