moments with you : pt 5

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Sanemi's perspective :

  I lay awake, waiting for his crying to stop. I was worried, he stopped smiling as much as he used to. I couldn't help it, I went to his room and knocked on his door.

" Giyuu? Are you okay? " I could hear a faint gasp in reply.

" Yes, I'm fine. Go back to sleep. " He stuttered over his words, trying his best not to cry while I was here. Obviously, I didn't believe it. I opened the door, to see him curled up in his bed. He didn't say anything. Slowly, I sat sat next to him.

" Please tell me if there's something wrong, your condition is as bad as it is already. "

He sat up and turned his body to face me, and his eyes were red and tears dripped down from the corners of his eyes. I wiped the tears from his face, and hugged him. I could feel his tears wetting my shoulder. I stroked my fingers through his hair, and he cried. I stayed there hugging him until he stopped, I lifted his head a little and he was sleeping. He must have been crying puddles all night. I laid him on the far right of the bed, and I laid next to him.

  The sun rose, and the sunlight hit my face. I groaned as I woke up. Dried up drool on the side of my mouth, and my was messy. I turned to see if giyuu was awake, and he wasn't there. I got up and looked around the room, he wasn't here. The door was open, but I was sure I closed it. I ran out of the room, and giyuu was on the floor, coughing.

" Sanemi.. "

I rushed over, and embraced him in my arms.
" Giyuu! You know you aren't supposed to go without me. "

" I wanted to see the garden one last time. "

" One last time? Stop joking around giyuu. Let's go back and eat breakfast. "

" Sanemi, I feel so tired. I'm a burden to you. "

" No your not. Please don't leave me. "

" Sanemi. Could you smile for me please? It's the most precious thing to me. "

  I smiled for him, and he smiled too. I kissed him gently, and his smile faded away. His pulse weakened. He was gone. I sat there, his lifeless body in my arms. I wailed and cried. No matter how much I tried, tears wouldn't stop flowing. Giyuu's dead. I sat there for hours, until kanao found me. Kanao let me hold giyuu for a little more until someone had to take him away.

  A few days has passed, and today was giyuu's funeral. Tanjiro knocked on my door, and he tried to convince me to come. I didn't answer, I could hear Shinobu tell Tanjiro to give me a break. There was a moment of silence, and then I could hear their footsteps fade away into the distance.

  I walked outside, a few hours after Tanjiro knocked on my door. I sat on a cliff, with the only one I had left. My crow, it stood next to me. I named my crow genya because genya had taken a liking to my crow and always gave it treats.

" genya, will you be there when I die? "

It chirped in reply, and it flew into my shoulder.

" Promise me? "

  It chirped again, and rubbed himself on my cheek. I smiled, and sat there admiring the horizon as the sun went down. I hope giyuu is resting well in heaven. I miss you alot. I wish you had lived to see the beauty of this view.

  I couldn't go outside. I laid in bed all day and griefed over giyuus death. I wouldn't get up to eat or clean myself. I would stay curled up in bed. I started coughing up blood, my crow sometimes brought me towels and candies. It always stayed by my side. One day, I felt tired and I didn't feel any pain. Giyuu, I'm gonna meet you soon aren't I? I'm glad. I miss you so much. Everything was blurry, it's my time.

×××× modern time; Tokyo

  I got ready for school and put on my uniform. I remember my past life, how I fought demons and giyuu. I looked for giyuu everywhere, yet I haven't found him. I walked to school and I talked to my brother treating him nicer than I did in my past life. I made sure I didn't do anything I would regret. I parted ways with my brother, and I sat in my assigned seat waiting for class to start. Kira, my friend talked to me and I spaced out.

" Sanemi are you listening? Hellloooo?? "

" Uh, yeah. Continue what you were saying. "

Before she could reply, the teacher came in and she had to sit back into her seat.

" Okay class, we have a new student. Please treat him nicely, he has a communication disorder. Please come in. "

I noticed those blue eyes, and that silky hair. It reminded me of giyuu. It was giyuu. It had to be giyuu. He started walking towards the seat next to me, and the teacher kept yelling that the seat was taken but he gave up and let him sit there.

" Hi there, mind if I sit here? " His smile was soft. I shook my head and told him he could sit there.

Giyuu, I knew we would meet again someday.

I love you.

Author's note:

Hi this is the last chapter!! Help sorry it's short, unfortunately I haven't been well and I don't think Im in the right state to continue this story. Thank you for the comments, they make me laugh. I'm very sorry for the mistakes!! and thank you for the support.

Meiko, thank you!! You help me feel better about myself and I hope you feel the same way. I'm grateful that I have you. I can't explain how much I love you in words.
And everyone in the urvaitated server, I love you all sm!! Well except for some, I don't really like some of you but I'm not saying names help

big thank you to everyone!! 💗☺️




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