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Taehyung loved modeling. He had been into it ever since he was young. And now that he was a famous model, everything seemed to come together in his life. He felt contempt in everything he did, and he was praised for nearly everything he did. It was a dream come true, he had honestly never felt so accomplished.

People often commented on his behavior, calling him a brat and spoiled. And it was true. The fame of being one of the most famous models at the moment and definitely gone to Taehyung's head, but Taehyung always seemed to brush that off, saying it wasn't true and people were just jealous of him. Many people disliked him, mainly because of his personality but they still couldn't deny that he definitely had the looks.

And every day was the same for Taehyung. Get up in the morning, the maids would always make his favorite breakfast eggs and toast with coffee. Pretty simple, but he loved it. After eating he would go to his company's building, PM CORP. He would have meetings on top of meetings, but at the end of the day, it was worth it for he went into the set room where he always modeled, and he felt home.

His best friend, Hoseok, worked here as well. He worked as his personal make-up artist. If there was ever a trip overseas, or a modeling show somewhere other than their own building, Hoseok was always the first one to know so he knew when they were leaving. The two were nearly inseparable, being friends from a young age and growing up together while sharing similar interests only bonded them closer.

Taehyung would then come home to his big house, alone and would make himself something to eat. The maids have already gone home, they get to his house around 7 AM and leave around 5 PM. Sometimes Taehyung would get lonely, and there had been a couple of nights when he cried himself to sleep. He hated the fact that he had no one close to him except Hoseok and two or three other close friends, but other than that there was no family involved in his life anymore, and no significant other.

As sad as it is, Taehyung had become accustom to the silent nights, and empty rooms. But nothing could've prepared him for what was to come in just the later night of the day. 

 Taehyung woke up to the sunshine creeping in through his sheer curtains, warming his honey golden skin. He sighed and rolled over, pulling his covers over his head in want for more sleep. Though his prayers weren't answered when there was the click of the door and he felt a presence enter the room. He peeked his head out of the covers and with blurry vision he could see a maid had come in with new towels for his bathroom. And to wake him up.

"Good morning, Master Taehyung. You have breakfast today around 9:15, and after that around 10 AM you are scheduled to have a meeting with the head photographer of CTM Inc. to plan out the theme and date and other details of your next upcoming shoot."

Taehyung felt only the weight of annoyance in his stomach. He didn't want to leave his comfy bed and he really didn't want to go talk about stupid modeling things. He could easily just show up and pick the theme there, wouldn't that be simpler? Groaning, he sat up, the covers falling off exposing his bare chest, causing him to shiver in the cold air.

He yawned and scratched the back of his head before kicking off the covers of his comfy bed and stood up. He stretched and grabbed his shirt lying on the ground which he had thrown off last night when he felt too hot. Walking over to the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush and squeezed some toothpaste onto it and started brushing his teeth, while taking care of other hygienic things. Picking his outfit out for the day, it consisted of black torn skinny jeans, a tucked in white 'CELINE' shirt, and an expensive pair of GUCCI slides.

He walked out of his room down big marble stairs and down into the modern kitchen where his breakfast was already waiting for him. He grabbed the plate and ate it, uncaring if anything spilled on the ground, the maids would clean it up. Taehyung didn't care much about anyone else other than himself and his close friends. He finished eating quickly and put the plate down where he got it from, not trying at all to be helpful. He flopped down on the couch and unlocked his phone, it was 9:35. He had to leave for his meeting soon. Taehyung groaned and rolled over, calling Jimin.

It took only 2 rings before Jimin was picking up, his pitchy voice ringing through the speaker. "Tae!" Taehyung smiled. "Hi Jimin!" They both giggled before Jimin said, "Alright, what'd you call for?" Jimin asked. There was talking in the background so Taehyung guessed he was already at the company building. "Oh no reason, I was just bored." Jimin hummed agreeing. 

"You're always bored." Rolling over onto his back Taehyung said, "Yeah that's true, but that's because my house is so boring!" Jimin scoffed. "Your house? More like a mansion. It's boring because you have no one else there but yourself." Taehyung remained silent, thinking about Jimin's words. It was true, but he didn't ever admit it. "Ok fine, that's why. Anyways, any drama? Tea?" Jimin made an excited noise before he started going off on how two famous people had gotten together recently. "That's crazy, I never would've thought they would date.."

Taehyung was interrupted by a ding on his phone, pulling it away from his ear and looking at the notification, seeing his manager's text. He had to leave for the meeting now. He groaned and sat up, catching Jimin's attention. "What's up?" - "I have to go into work now for a dumbass meeting." Jimin tsk-ed. 

"Well, did you hear that Jackson's throwing a party tonight?" Taehyung was busy putting on his shoes and styling his hair quickly before he responded. "Oh? No, I didn't." Taehyung opened the door and his driver was already waiting outside for him. The driver opened the door and Taehyung stepped into the car. "Yeah, he just sent out the invitations. I'm sure he invited you, especially after the last party." 

Taehyung smirked thinking about the last party. He and Jackson had basically hit it off at the last party. There was no sex that night, but Taehyung did give Jackson a blowjob. Taehyung pulled the phone away and put Jimin on speaker, before closing the call app and going to EMail. "Did he send you an invite to be there?" Taehyung scrolled down a bit, through all the 'extra' emails he had received and sure enough, there it was.

"Got it." Jimin whooped on the other live, then there were loud voices. Taehyung remained silent, and waited for Jimin to finish whatever he was doing. "Oh- I gotta go, I have a shoot I forgot about. I'll talk to you later, alright?" Taehyung smiled and took Jimin off speaker and put the phone back up to his ear. "Yeah, sounds good." With that the two hung up. Taehyung looked out the window watching all the tall trees pass by in a green flash. Taehyung lived in the country, as he had stated before he was never fond of living in the middle of all the city chaos. 

As the driver pulled up to the company building, Taehyung sighed and prepared himself for another long day of boring meetings, and doing a whole lot of nothing.

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