Night Out

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Seth Rollins' POV - A Restaurant

Paige was looking across the table at me smiling. I sat frowning. Her smile was fake. She still wanted everyone else to pretend we were happy together when the truth was we were just unhappy. It was our 3rd year dating and suddenly her attitude towards me changed. She started talking to my best friends more, she even slept in  Dean's hotel overnight once.

Our plates we empty. We'd spent atleast 10 minuets not communicating. Paige found her phone much more interesting to look at than me. I wanted to know why she was smiling at her screen, there was obviously someone else in this realtionship.

I eventually raised from my chair, not even saying goodbye to Paige. She didn't bother to watch me walk away. Something (or someone) on her phone obviously needed her attention more than I did. 

I took shortcuts back to the hotel. I needed sleep desperately. Pretending to a restaurant full of people that you're in an unbeliebably happy relationship with someone who deep down your beginning to hate is quite mentally draining.

Paige's POV 

I forgot how could the streets would of been without a coat. My arms were turning blue. I deliberately took the long way back to the hotel, The was loads of bars full of people drinking til they dropped. You could hear shouting from the outside.

Suddenly someone's cold hands grabbed my shoulders. I quickly jerked away.
"Paige, calm yourself down, it's only me"
I turned round to see Dean, a drunk Dean.
"Isn't it a bit unusual that you're out alone?" He asked me.
Dean already knew about the unhappiness in mine and Seth's relationship. Even when he's drunk he can still remember how miserable my relationship actually is.
"I went for a meal with Seth, he went and left me with the bill" I answer trying not to spend too long with Dean.
"I'll give you that money back if you want, I always take Seth's money,"
I insisted for him not to by saying "Dean, it's just a bit of money that I can easily make back in an hour!"

"Paige, I..erm..need you to walk back to the hotel with me.." Dean says catching me off guard
"Why?" I asked, confused.
"Well, I'm quite drunk..obviously..and I can't fully remember my way back.."
"Fine" I say trying not to let him think there was anything between us.

Back in the hotel, the door to my room was locked. Dean watched me repeadedly knocking.
"He's obviously gunna let me in.." I muttered under my breath. I turned to Dean.
"I'm going to need to sleep in your hotel room tonight..."

Dean smiled but quickly hid it. 
"This doesn't mean anythings gunna happen between us" I said gravely

What do you think of this? I have a feeling that this will be one of those fanfictions that I do carry on with.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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