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"What a fucking tease," you growled.

Bucky had been sending you dirty texts all day. This morning they were pretty tame. But as it got closer and closer to the end of your shift, he started getting absolutely filthy.

I love when you lose control as you cum.

Are your nipples hard for me baby?

I can't wait to spread your legs and see how wet you are for me.

My cock is so hard waiting for you.

You groaned at the thought of Bucky's thick length. And his fingers. And his mouth. Fucking shit, is it time to go home yet?

As soon as the clock struck 6, you grabbed your bag and nearly ran to your car to get home. You were desperate to see Bucky after he had been teasing you all day. What was he going to do to you? The anticipation was driving you crazy.

You speedily drove home and pulled up into the driveway. Bucky's truck was there, and the faint glow in the windows told you he was inside the house waiting. You bit your lip and clenched your thighs together at the thought of him being just up the stairs and inside the door. So close, but not anywhere near close enough.

Taking a deep breath, you parked the car, grabbed your bag, and got out of the vehicle, slamming the door shut behind you. You made a few quick steps to the front door, turned the knob and entered calling out his name.

"Bucky?" You shut the door behind you and dropped your bag on the floor.

You heard some muffled footsteps, and looked up as he appeared in the hallway. Bucky was shirtless, his metal arm glinting in the dim light. His erection was straining against the fabric of his grey sweatpants, and you instantly felt your body start to warm with arousal.

"Welcome home, doll. I've been waiting for you."

You smirked. "I see that. And I also see someone is ready for me."

You sauntered towards him, kicking off your shoes. As you stood before him, you traced the outline of his hard cock outside of his pants. His breath caught at the light touch, and you watched his slick tongue swipe his bottom lip, only to then be pulled between his teeth.

"Don't tease me, doll." He said, his voice deep with desire."

"You started it." You hummed, this time giving his length a gentle squeeze.

Bucky growled, and swept out your legs from under you, throwing you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing. You shrieked at the sudden disorientation, then giggled at your super soldier boyfriend. His metal arm was holding you securely in his grip, so you couldn't wriggle free.

He gave you a slap on the ass, and you let out a little yelp. He chuckled. "Let me show you how to really tease, doll."

Bucky gently laid you on the bed and stood over you with a smirk on his gorgeous face. "Now, be a good girl and I'll let you cum."

You brought in a sharp intake of breath. Oh god, he knew your biggest weakness was him praising you. And as much as you wanted to be punished tonight, him building you up all day made you desperate for release.

Reaching for the hem of your shirt, you started to pull it up over your body, but Bucky stopped you by placing his hands over yours. "Allow me, doll."

You nodded, and moved your hands so he could start the process of undressing you. He started by removing your t-shirt, then your jeans. Bucky stepped back to admire your body. You could feel his heated gaze raking over your skin.

Bucky Barnes - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now