Stress Relief

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Finally. Some peace.

You sigh as you stare out the window of your loft apartment. One of the main reasons you moved into this place was the cozy window seat next to a view of the city. It was your favourite place to curl up and watch the world go by.

It had been such a crazy week. You had deadline upon deadline at work, and your boss was being a complete and utter asshole. All you wanted was a quiet night to relax, and thankfully your roommate was out with his friends for the night.

Your roommate. Bucky Barnes. A tall, gorgeous, muscular man that you struggled to keep your distance from. He was always being such a flirt, and you had been tempted many times to give in to him. But you worried how it would be afterwards. Would it be awkward? Would he still want you? Would you still be attracted to him?

Well there was no question you would continue to be attracted to him. The man was a god, and how you had stayed out of his bed so far was a feat in itself.

You felt yourself getting hot at the thought of him. Bucky walking out of the bathroom, steam billowing around him and a towel slung low on his hips. Bucky shirtless in the kitchen, glistening with sweat after a workout in the downstairs gym. Bucky first thing in the morning, with his hair disheveled and in his boxers going to brush his teeth.

Groaning, you bent your head back to lean against the window frame. Fuck he was getting to you now. All you wanted to do was feel his skin on yours and hear him moan in your ear.

You shook your head and pulled out a packet of cigarettes that you kept for emergencies. Being horny for your roommate was starting to add to your stress, and you needed to relax your nerves.

Flicking your lighter, you brought the small flame to the end of the cigarette that was hanging from your lips. Sucking in, the tip glowed red and you turned to toss the lighter onto the nearby coffee table. You slowly inhaled and felt the smoke fill your lungs. With your exhale of breath out the window, you felt your whole body let go and finally your mind calmed.

Suddenly, you heard the lock on the apartment door click and it swung open. Bucky entered the room, shrugging his coat off his broad shoulders and stuffing his keys into his jeans pocket.

He looked up and smirked at you. "Hey sweets, rough day at work?"

Bucky glanced down at the cigarette in your hand and looked back at your face, his nostrils flaring.

"I thought I told you not to use those things."

You rolled your eyes and went back to looking out the window, bringing the lit cigarette back to your lips.

Bucky was across the room in a few quick strides and brought himself down so he was staring at you menacingly.

"Don't ignore me sweets. You know what that does to me."

You sucked in a breath and quickly looked away from Bucky, breaking eye contact. He knew what he was doing. And you didn't want him to be successful.

Bucky chuckled lowly at your reaction and reached for the cigarette between your fingers, slipping it from tour grip and putting it out in the nearby ashtray. You snapped your head back and narrowed your eyes at him.

"I wasn't finished with that Bucky."

He smirked at your statement, and tilted his head to the side, still keeping eye contact with you. He was acting like a predator sizing up his prey. You felt a tingle go up your spine under his gaze, and the air around you started to feel heavier.

Bucky's tongue darted out to wet his lips, then you couldn't tear your eyes away from his mouth as he drug his teeth over his bottom lip. What was this man doing to you?

Bucky Barnes - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now