Chapter 2

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A/N: this is a little later than I thought, sorry! I got swept up with school and the holiday. Enjoy this chapter and the rest of the holiday weekend :)


Boredom has set in once again and Cody starts to fling rubber bands around the room.

Danny sighs. "You should probably stop doing that, man."

"Why? What's the worst that's gonna happen?" Cody asks nonchalantly as he continues to shoot the bands at random objects. As if on cue, one of the rubber bands hits a framed picture hanging on the wall, causing it to fall with a thump and break. The sound of breaking glass echoes throughout the quiet library.

"That," Danny deadpans the answer.

"Shit. That thing must've been hanging from the wall by a thread right?" Cody whispers desperately.

"Doesn't matter, man," Noel replies, "You're dead either way."

"He's dead?" Kurtis asks. "No, we're all dead. Mcgrath is gonna come in here and--"

Kurtis doesn't have time to finish the sentence before Mcgrath storms in, his eyes immediately searching for the source of the sound. They land on the broken frame laying on the ground and darken. He walks over to the group of teens. "Who the hell did this?"

He's met with nervous silence.

"Well? I'm waiting."

Danny pipes up. "How could one of us have broken that from all the way over here?"

Mcgrath narrows his eyes at him. "Oh, you think you're funny, huh? The class clown is trying to be funny, what a surprise." Danny lowers his eyes and Mcgrath turns his searing gaze on Cody. "Was it you?"

Cody freezes up, eyes widening. He opens his mouth. "I--"

"Excuse me, sir," Noel jumps in just in time, "why would anyone want to break our school library's beloved BookWorm Award?"

Relieved, Cody tries to send Noel a loof of gratitude, but he keeps his gaze on Mcgrath.

"So everyone here thinks they're a comedian and no one can tell the truth about who just damaged school property? Wonderful." Mcgrath walks over to where the mess is and picks up the frame. The rest of the broken glass falls out. "Great," he mutters to himself. He points to Noel. "Miller, get over here and pick up this glass. Come on, hop to it."

"Aww, why does he get to get up?" Danny whines in mock disappointment.

"Shut up, Gonzalez, or I'll find a less than tolerable job for you to do."

Scowling, Noel picks up the broken glass and throws it in the trash bin, all under the watchful eye of their teacher. This is what he gets for saving Cody's ass?

"Alright," Mcgrath says the second he's finished, "back to your seat." He then addresses the group as a whole. "Listen up you little shits, I've just about had it today. You think you're all so funny but you're not. You're just a bunch of idiot kids who aren't going anywhere in life and are probably gonna end up working at Mcdonald's."

Kurtis bites his tongue at that. He works at McDonald's with his sister, and while he hates it to his core, he hates people who belittle jobs they expect a service from even more.

Mcgrath continues. "Yeah, we'll see if you all think you're so funny then." He glances over at Drew in the corner. "And that includes you, Gooden."

Drew shrinks back into himself, which doesn't go unnoticed by Danny, who feels a pang of protectiveness. "Hey, why are you dragging him into this? He hasn't done anything!"

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