Chapter Two

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Alisha climbed up a tree, a big smile on her face. Litleo held onto her shoulder, Petilil safely away in her pokeball. "Ali, be careful up there!"Cross called. "Alisha will be fine, she knows what's dangerous and what's not"Chloe smiled. "I agree with her." Both turned sharply, N standing there looking up at Alisha. "Back in Alola she was a great tree climber, even though she gave her friends heart attacks when she pretended to fall"N chuckled. "Tell her I'll see her at her first gym, this is goodbye for now"N smiled. He turned, starting to walk away but stopped. "Oh...and Cross, please protect her for me with Petilil...I can't protect her if I'm vanishing and appearing like this right"N says looking at Cross. "You don't gotta tell me that! She's like my little sister of course I'll keep her safe"Cross retorted. "Good..."N nodded. He walked away, Cross and Chloe staring after him. "What a creepy guy..."Chloe says. Alisha screamed, falling out of the tree. "Ali!"Chloe gasped. Cross leaped forward his arms out, catching her before she hit the ground. "DRAGON TYPE, THERE'S A DRAGON TYPE!"Alisha screamed panicking. "That's a Deino, if I'm saying it right"Cross stared. "GET AWAY! NO"Alisha yelled. She stared as Deino leaped at her, seeing a large dark figure with sharp teeth coming at her. She screamed, covering her head.

Lycanroc landed in front of her, blocking Deino, catching the pokemon by the head. "Ali, it's okay, look Lycanroc stopped it!"Chloe says sitting beside Alisha. Alisha gripped onto Chloe, tears falling down her cheeks. Lycanroc growled in pain, falling over, Deino managing to ram into his stomach. Chloe helped Alisha up, moving her back as Litleo joined the fight. "She can't command Litleo, she's far too scared!"Chloe called. "Alright!"Cross nodded. "Litleo use flamethrower!"Cross commanded. Litleo leaped forward, raised his head and released a powerful burst of flames. Lycanroc threw Deino up into the flamethrower and rolled out of the way quickly. "S-stop...don't hurt it.."Alisha mumbled. She dropped her backpack, setting Petilil's pokeball down. "Alisha"Cross stared. She ran forward, Deino falling out of view alarming Chloe and Cross. Alisha leaped over the cliff side, and grabbed Deino, protecting him with her body as they fell. "ALISHA"Chloe yelled setting her Eevee down. N leaped down after Alisha, and grabbed her before whistling. Braviary caught N by the shoulders, N hanging onto Alisha and the Deino. "Thank Arceus!"Cross says as Braviary set N, Alisha and Deino down.

"She needs some sleep, so does Deino"N frowned. "I'll carry Deino!"Chloe says coming over. "Braviary can you carry Alisha"N asked. Braviary nodded lowering himself down as N placed the unconscious girl on his back. "We make camp here tonight, I shall stay until she wakes up"N adds on walking beside Braviary. "I thought you said you were gonna meet us at the first gym"Cross glared suspicious. "You thought I was gonna leave Alisha unwatched, I trust my pokemon friends to watch her but there are times where she can get into more trouble than they can help her with..."N responded. He gently laid Alisha down on a blanket, Deino asleep on a comfortable pile of leaves. "Litleo, use flamethrower, but not too much"Cross ordered trying to get a fire started. N sat beside the sleeping girl, Chloe looking at him. "How come you're so close to Alisha, she always seems to believe in you and has the sweetest smile on her face"Chloe questioned. "Yeah, what's that all about?"Cross agreed. "We traveled together, we met in Kalos, but we split when she went to start her journey in Galar, then we met again when she started her journey in Alola, but near the end of that journey end I left to return here to Unova, I gave her my hat, a sign to her that I want to find her again, well it was unbeknownst to me that her next journey was in Unova, so of course we'll be finding each other again"N smiled. "How'd you know we were at the docks"Cross demanded. "I didn't...but once I felt the familiar happy trusting aura Alisha had..I followed it and found her..."N responded. "I'm sorry but you're like a stalker, it's kinda creepy"Chloe frowned. "Alisha said the same thing back in Kalos, but she got used to it"N chuckled. "I bet"Cross grunted. "Why are you popping up and disappearing, why not just travel with her like old times"Chloe questioned.

Cross looked over, thinking the same thing. N touched his chest, where his heart was, feeling it beat fast. "I actually don't know, when me and Alisha split it always feels as if I left some part of me behind with her, it hurt at times and I don't know what it is"N responded. "You're in love with her man"Cross clarified. "Oh that's actually pretty sweet"Chloe smiled. "But isn't Alisha just my friend"N blinked. "Listen pal, if your heart is beating fast when you look or think of her, you feel a piece of you missing whenever she's not around and you're literally appearing at Arceus forsaken random times to make sure she's safe, you're thinking of her as more than just a friend buddy"Cross sighed finding this just sad. "Didn't Alisha mention that he was raised by pokemon a little bit..."Chloe asked. Cross flinched, then rubbed his head. "Uhm...Okay N, basically you want her to be your partner, like how Pokemons find a partner to settle down with"Cross says. "I know what you meant the first time, but thank you for trying to make me more comfortable"N laughed. Cross blushed, then turned over grumbling insults. "Oh so you know what a girlfriend and a wife is?"Chloe asked. "Yeah...back then...I'd probably have to find a queen so I was told some about it"N responded. "Hey N, you look as if you met Alisha way before her journey's"Chloe blinked. "I was when she was eleven"N says.


Alisha laughed kicking a ball around the woods, a Deerling and Pidove following her, joining in her game. She laughed, bouncing the ball on her head, then letting it hit the ground. She kicked it trough a clump of bushes and froze, remembering she wasn't supposed to be so close to this area. She yelled in alarm when N popped out of nowhere, an amused smile on his face. "Did you loose this"N chuckled. "Yes"Alisha nodded. "Here...I'm N"N smiled. "Alisha, but everyone calls me Ali!"Alisha says in a sing a song voice. "I see you are also friends with the pokemon here, they seem quite fond of you, even the ones who would usually be so hostile"N says staring at her. "Yeah! I love playing with the pokemon here, especially Garchomp, he's the best!"Alisha beamed. A roar of pain startled them both, trees crashing down to the ground getting closer. Garchomp came into view, slashing down trees. "Garchomp!"Alisha gasped. Garchomp looked at her then roared, scaring Alisha. Something grabbed her, causing her to scream on shock. "WHAT'S GOING ON!"Alisha yelled N missing her hand. Garchomp roared, then flew at her, Alisha letting out a scream of fear. She fell, Garchomp attacking Magmar. N caught her, tumbling to a stop. Ice started spreading across the ground, Alisha looking towards the source. "ALISHAAAAA!" She got up, shakily walking towards the ice. Kyurem landed, staring silently at the child. "Are you child"Kyurem asked holding her ball in one claw. He caught her when she fell forward, then turned into White Kyurem. He held Alisha in his arms and took off into the air. N stared after them, Garchomp walking up behind him. "Kyurem"N mumbled.

Flashback end

"Since that day Alisha interested me for that reason did she get so close to Kyurem that it would call her its child"N sighed. "But after getting to know Alisha, through everything that's happened, throughout the fights in our group, Alisha's old showcase performances and many more I saw Alisha as a new friend, and not someone who could be connected to Kyurem...I loved her honesty and the way she treated pokemon like they were more than friends, she treated them like they were family, and it amazed me at what lengths she would go to protect  them"N continued on. "The last time I saw Alisha..she told me 'I know your love of Pokemon will triumph our friendship, but don't forge that I'll always love you, cause it'd be the same for me too if I was more like you' she understood better than anyone at that moment"N smiled touching his beating heart. "The love I feel for Alisha and the pokemon are the same now"N finishes. "I feel like I'm a love story!"Cross groaned finding this too cute for his liking. "Don't ruin the moment..."Chloe frowned. Alisha started to stir, N looking over at her. "Time for me to take my leave"N says getting to his feet. He set his hat down beside Alisha, and walked away. "Bye"Chloe waved. "Don't come back for a while!"Cross called earning a swat to the head from Litleo. Alisha sat up, and looked at her friends. "What happened"Alisha asked. "We'll explain"Cross sighed sitting up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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