𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊. 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒔

Start from the beginning

"Ah, you're my Tate's girlie, aren't you?" he asked, pointing to her with the glass. The three boys around her watched cautiously, knowing what this man was capable of, and what he did to young girls. His own daughter. "Y'know, if it weren't for you, she'd be a star? A ruthless killer, worthy of my blood. You ruined my daughter, Carrera, turned her into some lunatic that believes she can change. She could've been incredible, the whole world would bow down to her. But that can't happen now, because of you."

As the man stepped forward, Kiara took a step back. The boys were unsure of what to do. It was their first instinct to protect Kie, of course, but who were they to stand up against The Nathan Quinn? All four of them would end up dead. This was a battle they simply could not win.

"You ruined her, actually," corrected the girl fiercely, glaring up at the man, not breaking his challenging eye contact. She was scared. Terrified. But her fear was nothing compared to the rage she felt whilst looking at this man. This man, who wanted her girl to be evil. This man, who made her girl believe she was evil. This man, who made her girl believe she was unworthy of love, of a good life. This man, who destroyed Tatum Quinn over and over again. Hurt her, mentally, physically, and everything inbetween. "She is so good, she deserves so much better than a father like you."

JJ shook his head. Usually, he was the dumb one, the one who had to sit on the sidelines beside Tate while the others figured out the plan. But this - when it came to criminals and violence and especially this family - he was smarter than the shaking Pope Heyward trembling behind him in fear. And anyone who stood up to Nathan Quinn was dead within an hour - fact.

As expected, the man barked with laughter, stepping closer to the girl, backing her up until she was standing pressed against the wall, and pulled out his gun. "There's a special place for pussies like you," he said, flipping off the safety click with a deadly grin. "Say hi to Thomas and Ian for me."

John B's mouth dropped. JJ's jaw clenched. Pope's breath hitched. Kiara braced for the impact of the bullet, forehead sweating, but there was nothing this man could do to get her to stop glaring at him.

This was it. This was the moment they would lose Kie. And there was nothing they could to about it. As said before, the teenage boys were defenceless against the killer that was Nathan Quinn.

Hearing the click of a gun, Leroy stepped out of his room with a greedy grin, knife in his hand, buzzed for any kind of drama going on in the house of horrors.

"Leroy!" Pope gasped, finally releasing his breath at the strangely relieving sight of the big brother. Oh, God, this had to work. Oh, God, he had to care. If he didn't, they were all dead.

Distracted, Nathan Quinn turned around to face his oldest son, smirking darkly. "You wanna take this, boy?" he asked, holding out the gun. "Your sister is your kill now, after she shot you in the Bahamas."

"How could you?!" screamed Kiara, gaining her confidence again now there wasn't a gun pressed into her head. "That's your daughter! How could you do that to your own blood?!"

"Don't insult me!" the man growled, swinging the glass bottle over her face. "That girl is nothing to the Quinn name anymore!"

John B looked around at Tatum's childhood home desperately. One wrong move and they were all dead. One wrong move and they had no chance of getting Tatum back.

JJ stared up at the men he used to consider family. The men he used to look up to. The men who locked Tate in a bunker and fucked with her head even more than it already was.

"Her mom took her!" Pope shouted through the tension, heart beating wildly, as he looked in the eye of the psychopahtic Leroy Quinn. Though he was terrified, trembling, on the verge of shitting his pants, he would do anything - try everything - to get Tatum back. "Please, Leroy, if you care even just a little bit, you'll help us get her back."

For a moment, everything was quiet. Everyone was looking back and forth from each other. Uncertainty and fear flashed across the eldest Quinn child, and that proved everything to the pouges. He did care. Even if it was just a little, he cared. They could work with that.

But the moment his father met his eye, it dropped. He smirked. He raised his brows. He morphed himself into the psychopath everyone knew him as.

Then there was a gunshot.

The boys' heads snapped towards a shaking Kiara.

But she didn't fall.

No. It wasn't her at all.

Gun in her hand, Kiara Carrera looked down at the mess she had made with a shaky cry.

Nathan Quinn. Dead at last.

"Holy shit."

a/n: yes, i am aware sarah isn't here.

who is ready for tiara again?!

𝐍𝐎 𝐁𝐎𝐃𝐘, 𝐍𝐎 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐄 - kiara carrera²Where stories live. Discover now