A Different World

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Izuku is sitting on his apartment and look at the laptop that was provided to him. He just sit down on the chair while staring at the laptop with an almost empty look. Izuku then sigh as he remember his conversation with the leader

A month ago

"What exactly happen here?" Izuku ask the leader seriously

"You need to be more specific, Captain" The leader reply calmly

"Those people, those quirked people and those fancy colored costumes, wh-what are they? What is this? Halloween?" Izuku said confuse

"I'm afraid it will be much more complicated to explain. But if you came with me, I will explain everything" The leader offer

Izuku just stare at the leader for a while as his mind is still in disarray "I'm sorry, but who are you again? I don't think you introduce yourself earlier" He ask

"Shota Aizawa, director of SHIELD" Aizawa introduce himself

"SHIELD?" Izuku said confuse

"SCAR no longer existed, they are disbanded after the war and replace by SHIELD" Aizawa explain "So, what is your decision, Captain?" He ask as he extend his hand

Izuku hesitated but he doesn't really have another choice "Okay, I'll come with you" He reply as he handshake Aizawa

Flashback end

"Okay, let's do this again. Search, key word "quirks"" Izuku said then the laptop AI began a search for Izuku's request

"Quirks, a special ability that most people in the world possessed, one is different and unique from each other, similar to fingerprints and DNA. Quirks can be categorized into three categories:

1. Emitter Type, emitter quirks are abilities that allow the user to generate and possibly control certain things, or alter existing things around them in certain ways. The emissions of Emitter-type quirks can have a wide variety of properties and abilities

2. Transformation Type, transformation quirks are abilities that cause the user to take on a temporary alteration of some kind. Transformation-type quirks allow the user to temporarily "transform" their body in a variety of manners, sometimes enhancing existing features, removing features, or adding new features to the body altogether

3. Mutant Type, mutant quirks are abilities that cause the user a permanent "mutation" directly related to their power. Mutant-type quirks create bodily structures that grant the user more complex abilities that Emitter and Transformation quirks cannot safely provide. Often times they will bestow prehensile appendages that the user can control or add structures to pre-existing limbs to enhance pre-existing abilities. Mutant-type quirks even have the ability to channel certain aspects of their user through them in a similar manner to Emitter-type quirks" The AI explain

"History of quirks" Izuku said

"The first case of quirks manifesting can be trace back 200 years ago, to be precise, December 9th, 2019. A baby in Beijing, China was born with a luminescence skin. 2 months later, another baby in Johannesburg, South Africa was born with a power to freeze everything within a 5 meter radius. For the next 5 years, these two babies are the only two who was born with this special abilities, until some of the kids that was born around the same time as the two began to manifest quirks at the age of 5. And from that moment, more children began to manifest their quirks" The AI explain

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