Frozen loved one (rewritten)

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Scott was panicking. He tried to relax himself by taking long, deep breaths and running his hands through his hair.

Scott stared down at his hands, then out the window. Rivendell has only grown colder in the last few days, and it was all his fault. The deal with Destiny had gone horribly wrong, and now he possessed powers he could not control.

He couldn't go to Gemini's school for help because it wasn't yet finished, and Gem was probably too busy making it.

The elf king began pacing around his room, trying to think of a temporary solution that might help him with his problem.

Putting himself in some sort of quarantine could help to keep the damage as low as possible until he could pay GemineTay a visit and have her help him with his powers.

Scott let out a sigh as he sank into the nearest chair. He took off the emperor's crown and held it in his cold hands.

The crystals glistened as the elf ran his fingers over them. He turned it back and forth for a moment before looking at the green gem in the crown. He hadn't seen Jimmy in a long time, but he'd avoided him at all costs. It could be dangerous, and he did not want to hurt the blonde.

Maybe he shouldn't have taken the crown from him. His boyfriend had been so happy with the crown when he had it. It still pained Scott that he had killed him, he could have taken the crown in some other way. He should have come up with another plan.

The cyanette got up from the chair he was in and went to the library to see if he could find anything that would help him with his situation.

Outside, Rivendell was changing rapidly, and not in a good way. The temperature was dropping, and more and more snow was falling from the sky. Piling up on the ground and covering everything in a white blanket

Places where snow or ice would normally melt were no longer melting, even when exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. The snow was accumulating in places where it would normally disappear after a while, and the ice spikes growing out of the ground were not melting either. No matter how much sunshine they got

The flower beds that had always been vibrant and colorful were now buried under a thick layer of snow, and the pond with the cod was beginning to freeze over. The fish, which had been protected from the cold by magic the moment Scott put them in there, were now struggling to survive in the icy water.


It was hot and humid in the Swamp Empire. As usual. The people of the land went about their daily activities. Some had shops where they sold items such as fish, wood, and trinkets. Others would venture beyond the empire's borders in search of items that did not grow in the place they called home.

A certain blond, the Emperor of the Swamplands but more commonly known as the Codfather, was busy teaching two children a game he used to play when he was younger, full of life but completely and utterly bored.

The two boys looked wide-eyed as their leader demonstrated the game. They paid close attention to how he held the sticks in his hands and then dropped them all at once on the ground. Then he would carefully pick up a stick that was lying on top and explain to the two boys that the game was to try to pick up as many sticks as possible without moving other sticks when they picked one up. If they did, the opposing team would win the game.

Jimmy looked at the two children with a soft smile on his face as they began to play the game together. He liked to see his people happy, especially children. Seeing them laugh and run around with each other. It made him happy that they didn't have to be alone at that age like he was. He did have his sister, but she had been in the Ocean Empire most of the time, learning how to be a ruler.

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