•Part 1•

317 13 19

Serenity's Pov

It's the end of the fucking world and all I can think about is how I'm gonna charge my vibrator wherever these weird ass people in all black are taking me and if I packed my juul . Priorities . I don't even know why I'm being saved from the end of the world . Im the shittiest person I know and I can think of 3 people off the top of my head that deserve to be saved over me . These people just barged into my home, scared the hell out of my poor cat and told me to pack a bag and that I was being saved from the apocalypse . I didn't believe them at first but I heard a loud bang outside and it was louder than just a little gun shot so I decided to believe these strange people and packed as much shit as I could into a backpack . Now I'm sat in the back of a van with two other people that look to be around my age . This is a fun way to spend my 19th birthday . Happy birthday bitch it's the end of the world . The world really did end before I got a girlfriend . That shit sucks and the other girl I'm in this van with looks hella straight so I'm not even gonna try . This drive feels like it's been going on for hours and since this creepy van doesn't have windows I can't even tell where we are . I started humming a Lana del Rey song but it started to depress me so I stopped and started messing with my nails . I felt eyes on me so I looked up and the straight girl was staring me down . When I looked up at her she looked down and pretended like she wasn't just watching me . Creepy lady but whatever . I decided to take a nap for the rest of this car ride to hell so I laid across the seat I was on and went to sleep . I felt like I only slept for two seconds before I felt someone tapping me and telling me to wake up . I slowly opened my eyes and saw the creepy straight girl hovering over me . It scared the shit out of me so I jumped up and slid away from her but she put her hand on my knee and started laughing slightly

'Calm down, we're here and I didnt want them to wake you up'

'Um thanks ? Yeah thank you'

I smiled at her for a second to be polite and picked up my backpack . Before I could even get up one of the tall creepy people was coming at me with a big ass yellow suit and telling me to put it on . They gave one to each of us and we all put ours on . One of the other creepy people took all our bags and put them in a yellow suit carrying it like a big bag . They walked us out of the van and into this scary underground building . When we where all in they led us to a room with hoses on the walls and told us all the strip naked . I looked at them for second to see if they where really being serious and when the tall creepy person noticed they looked at me and motioned for me to undressed but I just raised my eyebrow at them . I'm not getting naked in front of these bitches I don't know

'Little girl this is to decontaminate you so if you would like to stay here you better undress'

I put my hands up to tell them to calm down and I started taking my clothes off . By time I was undressed the girl and boy that I came with where being hosed down and they where screaming but I thought they where just being dramatic . That was until I got hosed down . Yeah they weren't being dramatic . When they where done I was on the floor covering my tiddies and looking at them with my mouth open in shock . These bitches . They threw new pairs of clothes at all of us and we got dressed . They led us through a dark hallway and the only light was from candles. Cheep asses don't want to pay for electricity . They told us all to stand there and wait so we did . It felt like we were waiting for 500 years and then there was a little click clank on the floor and a woman holding a candle in one hand and a cane in the other started walking through the hallway and towards us . The closer she got to us the more I was able to see of her but because the only god damn light on this place is from candles I can only really see her face . But from what I can see she's like drop dead gorgeous . She looks hella scary like she would trip you with her cane and then beat you with it if you accidentally bumped into her but she's still nice to look at . I guess I was staring for too long because she got closer to me tapped her cane on the floor and that definitely got my attention . She stepped back and started introducing herself

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