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Why do you like R5? -Ratlifffan

This one is tuff. I might break in tears here. I alike R5 because it gives me something to look froward to tomorrow. When ever I'm sad I listen to their music. I watch their videos. They make me feel happy. Before I knew who they were I would be like: I don't have a fav band. :-(
and last summer that I found out about them, I fell in love with them. They are absolutely amazing. I'm even listening to them right now!

Ross: his gorgeous face. It's inspiring.
Riker: his smile. It's just sooooo cute.
Rocky: his way of talking. His fav word is sexy. <3 :P
Rydel: her style. Not afraid to be herself.
Ellington: his funny way. His funny faces are the cutest thing ever.

I can't imagine my life without them. Even if I know that I will never be able to afford their merchandise. Or go to one of their concerts, they will always have a place in my heart. That's why. *trying not to cry*

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