Chapter 2

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One a Friday I went to visit the Babysitters club meeting. To see what they did. I mean Dawn dragged me there so I really had no choice When we knocked on the door a girl (maybe older) my age opened the door and let us in. Dawn showed me to the room. It was colourful and you could tell this room belonged to a creative person. Dawn introduced me to everyone and I seemed to settle in. "Do you have a drivers license" was what Kristy asked me. "Uhm" all eyes were on me "Yeah I do. Why?"  "I said you can be out chauffeur. Like drive us to jobs. "Dawn said looking towards me I thought  about it for a moment and then said " As long as I get paid." The laughed. I was happy to be apart of something for once.

School. A place for academic excellence. But in the movies it's just full of jocks and cheerleaders. It makes no sense. I went in early so I wouldn't get lost. But someone beat me to it. It was a boy (I think) with dirty blonde hair. He was attractive. I went in and went, well tried, to go to the office. I guess he could sense I was lost because he came to my aid and asked. " Hi..are you ok you look. Confused" "Hi, I think ill manage" I muttered "If your looking for the office its just over there." I looked in the direction he was pointing and nodded and muttered a thank you then walked off.

I walked out of the office and looked at my locker number and looked for my locker in a hurry. I wanted to have time to memorised my timetable so I didn't have to pull it out every break time or lunch time. When I found my locker I saw that same boy standing next to my locker. I walked up there and simply said " excuse me." He turned to look down at me. He was a little bit taller than me, which was kind of intimidating. "Oh sorry I'll move" He moved and just stared at her she put in her locker combination then but some stuff in there. I side eyed him and shut my locker door. As I was walking away I could feel his eyes on me. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach I dont know if it was good or bad but I know it felt weird

a/n :i changed her personality which you can tell from chapter one but I didn't like her and Dawn both being energetic it felt weird.

Locker neighbours CHARLIE THOMAS X OCWhere stories live. Discover now