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A few weeks pass by without any missions or contact with the other Hashira. It's been rather lonely but you spent your time writing to Kuwajima, training and decorating your estate. It's still rather bare but at least it actually looks like someone lives there now.

You're washing some clothes when your owl, Yoru, comes flying into the yard before landing gracefully in front of you. There's a letter tied to his ankle which you quickly retrieve, unfolding it to read it. The words are written in Oyakata-sama's wife's familiar scrawl as she explains a new mission for you.

Somewhere rather far away there is a town stuck forever in winter. Apparently it has been snowing nonstop for nearly three months now and the locals are beginning to suspect something else is behind it. You're to travel there immediately to investigate and kill any demons that may be there. There's a nearby town that you must visit first to meet up with another hashira who shall be joining you.

Yoru chirps happily as you give his head a little scratch, thanking him for delivering the letter to you. Once he flies away you get up to prepare yourself for the long trip, knowing that it will be quite a while before you return home. Oyakata-sama sure does like sending you on long journeys, especially with company. Chances are that there's not even a need for one hashira to go, let alone two. Perhaps he's sending you just to keep you busy.

Little time passes before you're dressed in your uniform with your swords attached at your hips, walking down the long dirt path towards the first town you must visit. If the final destination is as far as stated then it will likely take multiple days and many forms of travel.

It only takes four hours of walking to reach the town, the sun starting to get low in the sky. You make your way towards the train station where your partner should be waiting, looking out over the small crowds to see if you can spot any familiar forms.

It doesn't take long as you soon see a recognizable tuft of white hair, a scowl on the mans face. Looks like this time you're being partnered with Sanemi, someone you're not very fond of. It's starting to feel like this trip is going to last a lot longer than anticipated.

"There you are." He grumbles, grabbing your arm as he drags you onto the train. "It took you long enough. I've already got our tickets so let's go."

"It's nice to see you too, Sanemi." You sarcastically speak, rolling your eyes as he pulls you through the train before letting you go to sit down. He takes the seat in front of you, sitting with one foot propped up on the bench.

"Whatever." The man scoffs as he stares out the window, his arms crossed over his chest as he impatiently waits for the train to start moving.

"You do know that where we're heading is going to be freezing, right?" You question as you take in his usual outfit. His uniform jacket is mostly unbuttoned revealing his scarred chest, the way he usually wears it. It's not exactly the smartest choice for a mission like this one.

"I'll be fine." It's obvious he doesn't care much for conversation so you remain silent, instead choosing to look out the window as well.

With a final blare of the horn the train begins to slowly depart from the station, the scenery blurring as it passes by. A man makes his way down the aisles as he clips each persons ticket before moving on, his voice being the only noise in the rather quiet cabin. There's very few other passengers around you meaning either very little people are traveling or they're all on different parts of the train.

It's been a long time since you've last been on a train. When Kuwajima found you and took you in, you had to take a train ride to get closer to where he lived. It was a rather magical yet terrifying experience as it had been your first time ever seeing a train. You couldn't sleep at all the entire ride because you were so fascinated watching as everything went by in a blur. You had no idea things could travel that fast before then.

The experience isn't nearly as exciting now. Perhaps it's because you've already experienced it once, or perhaps it's because you're not traveling towards a new life. Either way, the magic is gone and has been replaced by pure boredom. You're not very talkative but it'd still be nice to hear something other than the train moving along the tracks with the occasional blare of the horn.

This is probably the only time you will ever wish to have more energetic company like Mitsuri or Rengoku. Sanemi is far too silent and brooding for a trip this long and you're nowhere near tired enough to simply sleep.

Sighing, you get up from your seat to walk around. Going from cart to cart shouldn't be a problem, and it's obvious he won't miss your absence if he even realizes you're gone. You make your way to the end of the cart before sliding the door open and stepping into the next one. There's a few more people in this one, most of them engaged in quiet conversation or sleeping.

The next car is pretty much the same so you move on quickly. Eventually you find yourself standing in a cart where the food is stored, a polite young woman greeting you. She doesn't argue when you grab some things for yourself before leaving to return to your seat.

"Here." You hold out a bento towards Sanemi, forcing him to pay attention to something other than the window.

"What the hell is it?" He hesitates as he takes it.

"Ohagi." You plop down in your own seat as you open up your meal of choice. "I remember you ate quite a bit of it at my house that one day so I figured I'd grab you some. We have a long ride ahead of us so we might as well eat."

He seems a bit surprised as he opens the box to reveal his favorite treat. The man wasn't exactly expecting you to have noticed something as simple as that, let alone remember it. He mutters a quick thanks before digging in, his gaze flickering towards you every now and then.

You're not too bad, he decides. Though, he still doesn't understand what everyone else sees in you. You remain in his thoughts until he falls asleep, his brows furrowed as he dreams. It's quite cute, if you have to admit.

You fall asleep shortly after he does, having become tired after eating your meal. Hopefully you can sleep through a majority of the ride so it goes by faster.

Word Count: 1161

DISCONTINUED- Storm (KNY X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang