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Before you start this story just keep in mind that it's been discontinued. If you want to read a KNY Fic that is being updated still then check out my other one called Luminous

It's been two years since you passed the final selection and became a demon slayer. You had entered the selection after only four months of training under Kuwajima, the former thunder hashira. You mastered the breathing technique rather quickly much to the mans surprise and he eventually agreed to letting you go to the selection despite not training as long as most people do. You were one of very few to pass that year.

Only a year after then you had been offered the title hashira by master Kagaya but you had turned him down. You felt that you weren't worthy enough to be a hashira despite being more skilled than others at the point in time. Usually it takes people upwards of five years to kill fifty demons, one of the few requirements that could give you the honor of being a hashira. You on the other hand accomplished it after only a year, a feat that Kagaya has rarely seen before.

He was surprised at your rejection but accepted it nonetheless. Now it's been a year since then and he has offered once again. The only difference this time is that you're actually going to accept which is why you're now heading to the mansion to meet with him. He will also be introducing you to the other hashira- apparently only one of them is younger than you which will make you the second youngest at only seventeen years old.

Your owl sits perched on your shoulder as you enter through the gates. When you passed the final selection you were given the owl as your chosen messenger while everyone else got crows. You always found it odd that you received a different bird from everyone else but nobody would ever explain why. Regardless, the beautiful creature has been by your side since then and has earned the name Yoru.

Two young identical girls greet you at the entrance before leading you further into the estate. Kagaya, better known as Oyakata-sama, sits in the middle of a barren room with his wife perched beside him. A soft smile grazes his features as he hears you enter, motioning for you to sit in front of him.

"I am so glad you finally agreed to become a hashira, young (L/N). Tell me, why did you change your mind?" His voice is gentle and soothing as he speaks.

"I did not think I was worthy of such a title after only a year, Oyakata-sama. I will admit I was a bit surprised that you offered back then despite the fact that I knew I was more than qualified. I wanted to prove to myself that I could handle such an important job before accepting. When you reached out once more I knew I couldn't refuse again." Your hands are folded in your lap as you give him your answer, your eyes connected to his despite knowing he is blind.

"You are a very strong young woman, (L/N)." His wife nods in agreement, likely having heard all about you from him. "Never in all my years have I heard of someone accomplishing as much as you in such a short amount of time. I believe with all my heart that you will be one of the best of us."

"Thank you, Oyakata-sama." You bow your head to him. It's reassuring knowing that he truly believes in you.

"Now, shall we meet the others? I'm sure they are all curious as to why I have summoned them here." His wife stands up as she helps him before moving aside so one of his daughters could take his hand instead.

The young girl leads both of you through the building before coming out into an open area. Multiple people stand in the yard as they talk amongst themselves. Once they notice Oyakata-sama they kneel down in respect. You stand slightly behind him as you stare curiously at the people. All of them look unique in their own ways, especially the guy with a white snake wrapped around his shoulders.

"Hello, my children." Kagaya smiles softly as he looks out over the hashira despite not being able to see them. "I am sure you all are wondering why you are here right now. I have some wonderful news to share with you all." He holds his hand out to you which you carefully take, stepping forward to stand next to him. "This young lady is (Y/N) (L/N), the newest hashira. I hope you all welcome her with open arms."

"Excuse my rudeness Oyakata-sama, but why is a weak little girl joining us? Surely she is not strong enough to be a hashira." A man with scars on his face steps forward, his eyes glaring straight through you.

"Miss (L/N) here has relinquished over one hundred demons of their lives after only two years of being a demon slayer. Trust me when I say she is more capable than most." Kagaya remains soft spoken and calm as he speaks to the scarred man.

"One hundred demons in two years? That is truly a magnificent accomplishment." This time it's a man with white hair speaking, some kind of red mark on one of his eyes. A few of the others hum in agreement while some still look skeptical.

"Why is she only just now becoming a hashira if she is that skilled?" A girl with a butterfly hair piece questions.

"I offered her a spot as a hashira a year ago but she refused for her own reasons." Kagaya explains, moving his hand to pat the top of your head. "I put my full faith in her and her abilities as a demon slayer. I trust that you all will as well. Now, I will be taking my leave. Please be kind and take the time to introduce yourselves to her."

You watch as he leaves, suddenly feeling even more nervous as multiple people stare at you. Nobody makes any move to speak for quite some time and you're half tempted to just leave.

Just as you're about to move to walk away someone steps forward. "Hello, there. My name is Shinobu and I am the insect hashira. May I ask what breathing technique you use?" It's the butterfly girl from before. Her smile is kind but her eyes hold a different unknown emotion.

"I use thunder breathing."

"It's been quite some time since there's been a thunder hashira." She seems slightly surprised yet amused.

"Kuwajima-sama is actually the one who trained me. He is very skilled even as he gets older." Your conversation begins to draw the attention of a few others, especially a man who seems to never stop smiling.

"May I see your swords?" The yellow and red haired man questions, motioning towards the two swords hanging on your hips. You nod your head after a moments hesitation before sliding them out from their sheaths. The bright yellow metal catches the sunlight beautifully as he holds them up, turning them as he examines them. "This is my first time seeing yellow blades in person. They truly are beautiful. I'm Kyojuro Rengoku, the flame hashira." He returns your blades to you which you put away quickly.

Others introduce themselves while others are pointed out by Shinobu- Sanemi the scarred man and Obanai the snake handler are two people who did not feel the need to speak to you. Shinobu and Rengoku are very nice, as is the other girl Mitsuri. They're quick to make you feel welcomed despite the cold feeling emitting from Sanemi. He doesn't seem to be someone who is easy to get along with.

Hopefully they are all easy to work with. And hopefully they all accept you soon.

Word Count: 1297

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