confronting creepytallguy

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mr sexy walked to creepytallguy's class. he was a few minutes late, but it was okay. he could tell mr. roundtable he was at a different class first.

mr sexy poked his head in and raised his broad hand, landing it possessively on creepytallguy's shoulder and causing the boy to jump and yelp. "hey mr. roundtable!" mr sexy said cheerfully. "i'll be taking creepytallguy with me for roundtable if that's alright." 

mr. roundtable nodded in approval, not looking up from his computer. mr sexy taking creepytallguy away for roundtable had become the norm recently. the students, however, could tell there was something more than it seemed going on as they watched mr sexy escort creepytallguy out of the class, his hand now trailing down creepytallguy's back to who knows where.

there were some whispers and murmurs as rumors were exchanged between kids, but they were quickly silented by the ever-serious mr. roundtable.


as soon as mr sexy got to his office, he roughly tossed creepytallguy onto his desk, bent over. he did the funny smack thing and creepytallguy moaned, waiting for him to continue, but instead he saw his lover sit down in his office chair. mr sexy was still clothed, eyes surveying and piercing into him like a hawk's.

creepytallguy blinked at him in confusion, shifting around in a pathetic attempt to seduce mr sexy. they both knew mr sexy wouldn't give in so easily.

"do you know why you're here today, creepytallguy?" said mr sexy, placing his elbows on his knees and leaning forward on them.

"f-f-for a punishment..?" said creepytallguy hopefully, wriggling again on the cold desk.

mr sexy laughed humorlessly and smiled down at him. "you've been a bad kitten. i think you know exactly what i'm referring to." creepytallguy swallowed nervously. he had forgetten about his.. encounter with ellen the other day.

the boy averted his eyes, feeling a heavy knot of guilt form in his stomach. he hadn't meant to, really.. mr sexy was the only one for him. of course.

mr sexy wouldn't be going easy on him. he grabbed creepytallguy's chin firmly and turned his face towards him, so close they were nearly kissing. "would you like to tell me why you're here? hm?"

creepytallguy shut his eyes tightly. he would do anything to be anywhere but here in this moment. he felt a sharp pain on his ass and his eyes soon flew open again. mr sexy was really going to make him do this.

"i-i-i.. i, i i-i ,,i- i...... i fucked e-e-e-elellen.. without your p-p-p--p-p-ermission, sir........." said creepytallguy, crying and stumbling over his words.

mr sexy finally let go of his face. "good kitten" he cooed, making creepytallguy's heart flutter all over the place. it felt weird combined with the guilty knot. "and would you like to apologize and tell me how you'll make it up to me?"

creepytallguy nodded without hesitation. "i-ii'm sorry, sir! i'll never touch ellen again, not even talk to him! or look! i swear, sir!" he cried.

mr sexy hummed his approval and stroked creepytallguy's head. "and that's why you're my favorite kitten, darling." he said breathily. "now, would you like to receive that punishment?"

every time i write a new chapter, i can feel my sanity disappearing more and more

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