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These are the words people would use to describe me if they ever find out the real me. They would always react that way... or that's what I assume they would. It doesn't matter... I'm not going to let them know anyway. I'll keep this secret to myself 'till the day I stopped breathing.

I hate myself for being this way. For having to keep this secret... for not being able to be myself. All my life... I've been trying my very best to keep it hidden. I don't want people to know the real me. I'm scared they might treat me like a monster.

I just wanna be normal... not being who I am now. I first found out about it when I was a kid. When out of no where... the beast inside me started acting out. It was when those bully starts to get out of hand.


I'm was walking down the hallway of the school's corridor, making my way to my locker. It didn't take long for me to reach it because it's near the entrance.

When I open the locker. Out of no where, red paint splattered at me and my clothes got covered by it. I could hear laughter coming from behind me. I turn my head to see Josh, my bully.

He has been messing with me since the day I step my foot in this school. But no matter what he did, I refuse to give him any sort of satisfaction. I tried my best to not show him any reaction.

He walks towards me with a threatening posture. I just stare at him in the eyes, without showing any sort of emotions. He stands in front of me. "Of all the kids here... they always cower in fear each time I walked passed them. So why didn't you??" He said.

"I've got no reasons to be afraid of. You're just a bully. If anything... YOU'RE the real coward here" I said, glaring at him. He growled angrily and push me harshly. I hit my back against the locker and fell over to the cold floor.

Josh grabbed a handful of my hair, and yank me up. He made me look at him. "You WILL fear me, loser. I'll make sure of it" he said. He let my hair go and walked away with the rest of his gang.


I'm now walking back home. Just as I was about to turn around the corner. A hand gripped my wrist tightly and pulled me into an alleyway. Whoever it is slammed me against the brick wall, making me let out a pained hissed.

"Finally... a reaction. But that's not enough. I want to see more!" The person said. I look up, only to see the one and only, Josh. I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes at him.

"Sheesh... is it not enough that you messed with me at school? Now you want to harass me out of school too?? You psycho" I said. He growled angrily at me. He took out a switch blade from his pocket. He lift it up and points the sharp edge close to my neck.

"Repeat that... I dare you" he said. "Psycho. That's what you are. You're nothing but a coward. Who only messed with someone weak. You're just a baby!" I said. He growled angrily. He placed the sharp edge of the pocket knife by my cheek. Then he drag it across my skin.

To be honest, I'm starting to feel a little scared. But I try my best to not show any sort of fear. Like I said, I refuse to give him any sort of satisfaction.

"I'll stop this act... if you beg me..." he said. "In your dream" I said, coldly. Even though I'm practically shaking on the inside. Josh yelled in frustration and throw away his pocket knife. He resolved into just beating the life out of me.

I fall on my side and my vision blurred. The only thing I saw, was Josh raising his fist and was about to struck another punch at me. Then everything went dark.


When I woke up, I was shock to see Josh laying on the ground with blood pooling around him. I look down at my hands to see them covering in red. Is this my doing?? Did I do all this?

I was so scared, I ran away without waiting for another second. I rushed to my house. My parents were on a business trip, so I was all by myself. I head straight to the bathroom and starts washing all the blood stains on my body.

I sit down under the stream of water, leaning my back against the wall. It's freezing cold, but I don't care. I hug my knees and starts shaking, not from the cold. But from the fear and... excitement?

End of Flashback

Ever since that incident. What happened that day is all over the news. The mystery of the murder. I made sure to not say a word and even begged my parents to move places. I don't want them to know what I did that night.

No matter how hard I tried to forget that night. I just can't. Most importantly, I can't forget what I felt after killing Josh. The thrill and excitement.

What's wrong with me? Why do I feel excited after I took someone's life? Who am I? What am I? Those are the questions that kept circling around my head. But no matter how hard I tried to think and find the answers... I just couldn't. All I know is that I'm...

A Cursed Child

A/N: here we go! As promised. I finally did it! I made a Eddie Kaspbrak Fanfiction. I hope you'll like this book! Sorry for taking ages to get this out. I'll try my best to update this book as regularly as I can. Please support me, and love ya!!

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