16. Don't Let Go

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*Mike's P.O.V*

"ALEX!!!" I yelled into the phone. Tears running down my face. 
even hearing her breathe would be good.. but what im hearing is worse. People yelling, Sirens and silence from Alex.. 
"Alex, baby.. please," I cry, I can't contain myself. I break down. 
"No baby!! I love you more than life itself.. please don't leave me!! hang on baby!!"

I throw my jacket and shoes on, I plug my headphones into my phone, I don't dare end the call. 
I run to my car, I can't even start it without breaking down. 
"FUCK!" I screamed and slammed on the wheel. 
I got another call. 

"H-hello?" I answered, trying to compose myself.

"Mike, man whats wrong?" It was Ricky.

"Fuck. Where are you? Ca-can you drive? I-I can't even start my car," I started crying harder.

"Yeah. I'll be there in 5," he hung up and I continued to cry with my head on the wheel. 

The call with Alex ended and I just stared at my phone. Her face looked back at me, she was my screen saver. 

"Baby. don't leave me.. my god.." 

I hoped out of my car and lit a smoke, Ricky pulled up and ran  to me. 
"Mike, whats going on?" he looked at me.

"A-alex.. She um.. s-she .. fuck i can't even say it.." I took a long drag of my cigarette.

'Is.. she dea-"

"Shut up! no, sh-she can't be... god no.. " i fell to my knees on the pavement. 

"Mike.. Come on.. lets go wherever, you're freaking me out man,"

I looked up, I seen one of my best friends looking down at me, he cared about Alex too. Fuck this is so unfair.  I got up and looked at him. I sniffled and wiped away my tears. 
"Lets go.." I started walking to his car.

We drove to the hospital, I was shaking as  I walked in. We walked to the front desk, Ricky still hasn't asked what happened or why we were going to the hospital, his mind was probably going wild. 
"Could you tell me if Alex Ibanez is here?' I asked before she could greet me.

"Alex.. hmm.. I don-" people rushed past us, a body on the gurney as they ran to save the persons life. 

I seen the dark blue hair, her tattooed arm hanging over the edge of the gurney. 
I ran after them. "Alex, oh my god.. Alex.."

"Sir, you can't go back there,"

"Fuck you!" Ricky yelled as he ran after them with me.  She had a oxygen mask on and her face was all cut up. Her arm had a chunk of glass stuck in it, her clothes were ripped and her leg had a chunk of glass stuck in it. Oh my god...

"You can't come back here. she is in critical condition and we can not have anyone jeopardizing her well being," the medic looked at me as they turned her gurney into a room.

"I'm her boyfriend.. I need to know whats happening,"

"Listen, she is not in stable condition. We may need to operate.. she is not breathing on her own, one of her lungs has collapsed. She's had mass amounts of bleeding, Honestly, she may not make it," the door closed behind him. 

"oh my god..." I felt my world begin to spin. 

"Now, let us do our job to save your girlfriend, okay?" he put his hand on my shoulder and i shrug it off, I walked over to Ricky, who was in a panic. 

"H-how is she man? Whats going on?" He was out of breath, almost in tears. 

"He.. said she might not make it," I could hardly fathom the words coming out of my mouth, "I need a fucking drink," I walked out of the hospital.

"Mike, no.. bad idea. Don't you want to be here when she wakes up? Don't drink your pain away again," 

"I need a god damn drink Olsen!" I lit a smoke and we got in Ricky's car. 

"I have a Micky in the back.. here," Ricky handed me the Micky and I had a swig. 
I couldn't get out of my head, I needed to get out of my head. If I keep thinking negative. Then something is going to happen and I don't know how to deal with this. I can't lose her, not now.. not ever. 

"Rick- what if she dies?" I took another swig.

"Don't say that, she will be okay. You too are fucking insane, you could fucking die and come back to life just for each other.. I think it's honestly your love keeping you two here," He took the mickey from me. "You don't need to drink your pain away, remember what happened last time? Drinking every night after you two broke up. Don't do that again!" 

He was right, I can't hurt her like that again. Fuck, Mike hold yourself together. 
I looked out the window and seen Alex, perfect. No cuts, no bandages, no blood. 
"Alex," I got out of the car and ran towards the woman I love.

"Mike, Michael! Where are you going?" 

"Alex, man she's just over there.. she's okay, this was all a dream," I found myself still running after her... 

"She.. Mike she's in the hospital! She's not out here!" Ricky yelled after me.

I came face to face with.. Chris. His eyes were puffy, he probably looked just like me right now, fucking torn. 
"What are you doing here?" I asked harshly, trying to comprehend what just happened. 

"Waiting to see if she's okay.." his arms were crossed and he reeked of Cologne.  

"How did you know what happened?" 

"I was chased after her when she left my place..."

"She was at your place? What did you fucking do to her? Why was she crying?" I accused him of so much when I probably reeked of alcohol, maybe I'm no better. 

"Because I fucking love her Mike, why are you still around? Honestly, all you do is hurt her! She was crying because-"
I punched him, square in the nose.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck," Ricky slammed his car door and came over to us. 

I couldn't control myself, I needed her in my arms now! I needed her to tell me she was okay, I NEED HER TO FUCKING BE OKAY! 

"I deserved that, look.. Mike.. I'm sorry, okay?"

"Sorry doesn't fucking cut it! My girlfriend is in a god damn hospital bed because of you!"

"Because of me?"

"What did you do to her?"

"My god, you and I have been best friends for years! I didn't do anything to her.. I didn't know you guys were dating again, she came over so we could talk and I guess her intention was to give me my stuff and to get her stuff. I made dinner for us.. her favourite.. " he smiled as he said that, as if he was thinking about one of their dates, " she wanted to get her stuff and go.. I went in my room and cried as I got her stuff for her.. then she asked why I'm so attacted to her and.. I guess she didn't like my response or.. it upset her..."

"What did you say?" 

"I love her.."


Sorry to end it like that guys.. Thats all for tonight, I'll try to update tomorrow -April 1 2015- 

Engraved In Your Heart (Sequel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora