"No." She replied. "Only Yin plays sports..."

"I see, you don't." I turned my gaze to the people playing then I saw Yin playing rough at the game, my lips curved into a smile.

So, she likes to play...But Juda don't.

I turn back to Juda and notice the strawberry milk she's holding. "Is it that good?"

She smiles at me then I suddenly took it from her and was about to drink it.

I don't like sweets

But the drink spilled and she chuckles. "That's not how you drink it."

She put a straw in it and gave it back to me. "It tastes better when you put straw in it."

Of course I knew that, Namju why are you dumb?

She suddenly wiped her finger on the side of my mouth.

"Ow!" I suddenly heard Yin's voice so, I stood up and saw her on the ground holding her head.

"Oops, sorry Yin!"

Little did I know I accidentally let go of the Strawberry drink. "Is something wrong?" I heard Juda ask.

I sat back. "Sorry, I'll buy you a new one later."

I saw Yin also sits by the bench far away from us. I wanted to talk to her but I can't stand up again. I saw Dohwa sitting with her so, I think she'll be fine.

Yin's POV

"A freaking ball hit me." I rolled my eyes.

Dohwa pinched my cheek. "You're cute."

"I know." I slapped his hand away. "What're you doing here? Aren't you practicing the Violin?"

"Nope, I saw you sitting alone so..." He said.

I saw Dan-o fighting to get hit by the ball. "Gosh, I'm worried about Dan-o." I mumbled.

"Why is Dan-o playing?" He asks.

She suddenly caught a ball. I widened my eyes and stood up. "Go Dan-o!" I cheered and Dan-o smiled at me and waved.

"Whoo!" I cheered.

Gyeong stood in front of Dan-o who is the one throwing the ball. She threw it and Gyeong dodged and the girl behind him caught it. She threw the ball hard and is about to hit Dan-o when a guy protected her from getting hit.

They both fell on the ground. I stood up and ran towards Dan-o. Before I could even reah them another page flip happened.


I opened my eyes and now I'm in the hallway. "Dan-o?" I look around but she's not with me. I saw Saemi with Il-jin's squad with a big smile plastered on their face.

𝙴𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚈𝚘𝚞: 𝙽𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚐𝚒𝚊Where stories live. Discover now