Ch 39

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“That woman is a fraud.”

Alberto pointed at me with his index finger.

The Emperor was taken aback by his direct words, and he took a deep breath.

“Sir Michael! What a profanity!”

The Emperor roared.

His voice rang out in the Queen’s chamber.

The saint is the temple’s leader, second only to the emperor in the empire. Although she is required by law to bow her head to the imperial family, she has the same level of dignity as them.

“Saintess, please pardon my brother-in-law’s mistake…”

“Your Majesty, Alberto is right.”

Then I heard the Queen’s voice from the bed,

“When I found out, I was devastated.”

The new saint from Tiago stood silently beside her with her head bowed.

“Annie, the maid who had been caring for the Saintess until last month, said she would tell the truth, so she went to Alberto to confess her sins. While Alberto was debating whether the country would be turned upside down if the truth was revealed, a real saint appeared in Tiago, and I am only now able to announce it.”

Haa, Annie.

The sudden mention of Annie’s name caused me to frown.

‘So Annie was the person inside the temple with whom the Queen’s brother had an affair.’

That girl was plucking out 650 francs a month from Ariel’s weakness of being a fake saint.

“The investigation with the High Priest’s cooperation will reveal that Annie received a substantial sum of money from the Saintess each month in exchange for her to keep silent. I can’t look into it because she went missing, but I do have a handwritten letter.”

Alberto took out the letter from his inner pocket and unfolded it. ‘It is difficult to please the fake saint,’ said the letter, written in smooth handwriting.

The Emperor stiffened.

His gaze gradually shifted to me.

“What does the Saintess think about this story?”

With my mouth shut, I approached Alberto and reached out.

“That letter, will you give it to me?”

Alberto snorted, exclaimed, and continued to speak to the Emperor.

His voice could be clearly heard as he read the letter,

“And as you can see, ‘I asked her about the proposal letter she wrote for the Crown Prince. She wrote obscene words on purpose and say that men like things like this, I can tell that she is a vulgar and stupid woman.’ Is what was written. This is completely out of character for a saint to do.”

Ah, is that why she wrote such a ridiculous letter?

The newly revealed truth made my head hurt.

At that, the Emperor looked at Kyle and asked,

“Proposal letter? What do you mean?”

Kyle replied with cold red eyes,

“I don’t know.”

Kyle is the one who created my existence, so you shouldn’t question him.

I shook my head inside.

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