Preparing for War

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Brie's POV

The whole ride home to the ranch Lee and I listened to the radio. Our silence was cut short by a phone call from John. I watch as Lee tenses from whatever is being said. Once he got off the phone I knew something happened.

"What happened? Don't say it was nothing because I know when your lying." I say looking at him with concern.

"One of the fences where cut and the cows are on the reservation.  Dad is planning to take them back tonight. He also wants to blow up the dam for the new housing project." Lee says looking at me with worry.

"I'm coming with you tonight. I have a bad feeling about tonight. Don't even try to argue with me."  I say with a stern look on my face.

"Okay, I'm not going to argue with you about tonight. I know if anything goes wrong having you there will be a plus." Lee says as he kisses my knuckles.

"Just promise me you won't try to be the hero. I can't loose you Lee." I say with tear's welling up in my eyes.

"I promise we will deal with this and come home to try for our baby." He says as leans over kisses me.

We pull up and at the lodge and get out. I go over to Derek's car and help with the babies.  I help Callie and Meredith inside. I show them around and then leave them to get settled. I walk out to the front porch and see the wranglers bringing out the horses. Then in the distance I see trucks barreling down the driveway with trailers behind them. I feel arms snake around my waist. I turn my head and see Lee.

"I take as this is going to turn into a war." I say looking up at him.

"I hope not babe. They are just reinforcements." Lee say as he pulls me closer.

We just stand in silence watching all of the trucks roll in from the Live Stock Agency. I hear the front door open followed by foot steps. I turn and see John, Derek, and Mark walk out on to the porch.

"What's going on?" Derek asks with confusion written all over his face.

"We are having issues with the new Tribal Chief at Broken Rock. He had someone cut the fences and one of the herds got out. They are now on tribal land. They refuse to give them back. We are going to try and take them back tonight. I'm also sending Rip and another group of guys to blow up the dam on the east side of the property. The new subdivision that's being built decided to dam up the river on my property." John say as he watches everyone unload the trailers.

"Since we are dealing with all of this tonight I'm going to pack my medical bag. I'm not letting you all go without me." I say looking over at John.

"We can help you as well. I mean it's the least we can do since you're allowing us to stay here." Derek says and Mark nods his head in agreement.

"If your going to help I only have one question to ask you. Can you both ride a horse?" Lee asks looking over at my brother and Mark.

They both nod their heads. I turn around and kiss Lee before I start up to our cabin. I reach the cabin after a good 10 minute walk. Once I get inside I go straight to my room and starting packing my medical bag. I'm almost finishing packing and restocking my medical bag when there's a knock on my front door. I go to the front door and open it. Standing on at my front door is Meredith, Derek and Mark. They are standing at the door with a medical bags identical to mine. I motion for them to come inside. They follow me inside and I go to zip up my medical bag.

(Brie's Medical Bag)

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(Brie's Medical Bag)

Derek sees the worry written all over my face as move into the living room.

"What's wrong Brie?" Derek says as he takes a seat on my couch.

"I just have a bad feeling about tonight. The last time I had this feeling was the day that dad was murdered." I say look over at Derek.

"No one is going to die tonight. They are going to have four trained surgeons with them." Derek says as he walks over and pulls me into a hug.

"I hope you are right." I say looking at them.

My phone starts to ring and that was a coworker telling me she got the blood I asked for. I run outside to meet her and get the cooler of O Negative Blood. I thank her and head back inside. When I walk inside I see Lee has joined everyone.

"Brie, I think your going just a little overboard." He says as he pulls me into a hug.

"I rather be prepared and not use it then not have it and need it." I say.

He nods his head and kisses my temple.

"I know for fact that you three need to change if your coming with us. Lee help Derek and Mark find some proper clothes. I will help Meredith." I say as I pull Meredith to my room.

Once we are all changed in more suitable clothes we grab are medical bags and head for the main house. During that walk up to the house I see a black Mercedes' flying down the driveway. The car is parks in front of the house. Then the door opens and out steps...

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