Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Rosie ended up settling with the green pant suit. Not because of why her sister said so, rather due to the fact that it was easier to get the wrinkles out of the fabric with her flat iron. While there were probably ironing boards or steamers available, Rosie didn't want to risk breaking anything else of value or pull any of the staff away from the party that they were all clearly stressing over based off their mad dash from this morning. Besides, this way, the flat iron was already heated when Rosie attempted to curl her hair with it.

Pulling her green suit jacket over her white blouse, Rosie stared at herself in the mirror and willed herself to keep her breathing even. Everything would be fine. Even if Sooyoung Choi, her boss and idol, ended up despising her by the end of this week, everything would be just fine. She'd still have her morals. And who knows, perhaps there was an actual story of scandal lurking behind the closed doors of the palace. Maybe Rosie would actually get to keep her job and her morals and call it a good day. But of course, that wasn't true. At least, more of Rosie wished it wasn't. Despite her short time here, she already looked at Ella like a sister and Krystal like a dear friend. And even if nothing more would ever happen with Jennie, Rosie doubted her heart would ever dull in it's adoration.

In all its possible outcomes, Rosie would be left in tears, so she might as well do her best to enjoy tonight and whatever few days she had left of happiness after.


When Rosie thought of Christmas parties, she thought of white elephant gift exchanges, candy swaps, and tacky sweaters in varying shades of red or green. However, the Westfallian palace did not apparently believe in any of those things.

Every guest wore either a well fitted tuxedo or an evening gown Rosie couldn't comprehend how anyone besides models found practical. Their long trains swooshed the floor behind them as their tight corset waists robbed their breaths while the drinks in their hands made their heels wobble. No one held a wrapped box or bag in their hand and no tree collected presents underneath. The buffet table in the corner had barely looked picked over as the servers waited to be of use. On the opposite wall, a man with painfully rigid posture played the piano while a woman next to him in a black cocktail dress sang in French to the couples dancing in the middle of the floor. Really, if it weren't for the tall brightly lit Christmas tree looming in the corner, Rosie wouldn't have known it was a Christmas party.

Just looking around, Rosie considered herself to be in over her head. The state dinner the other night had been one thing, but this; this should be something she knows. Instead, it just made her feel all the more foreign and like a fraud. She shouldn't be here. Jennie probably wouldn't even have time for her and Krystal and Ella probably would want to turn in early for the night. Besides, she didn't run any more risk of screwing things up even further.

"There you are!"

With a jolt, Rosie slammed her knee into the chair beside her. With a low swear, Rosie rubbed her knee, grateful nothing broke skin, just before she looked up to see a bemused Krystal walking towards her.

"My apologies, I forget how jumpy you are," Krystal chuckled. "I'm honestly surprised you're not covered in bruises by this point."

"It's okay. They usually fade pretty quickly." Rosie looked around her. "This is definitely quite the party you have here."

A piece of jewelry caught light from the dance floor, and Rosie noticed for the first time the future queen among those dancing. The light glinted off her crown as she glided through the floor in the arms of some greasy hair royal, her graceful movements matched her graceful smile. The way her blue dress clung to her curves and swung as she moved had Rosie mesmerized and she only managed to tear her gaze away when she realized she was gawking.

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