"Wow," Rosie blinked. "Someone's bitter. Sure you're not projecting?"

"Yeah, well I guess Hyeri left a bitter taste in my mouth so sue me."

"Jennie's not Hyeri though," Rosie told her. "Our situation is nothing like what the two of you had."

It was probably nothing like anyone ever had.

Alice smirked. "So it's Jennie."

Rosie groaned. "You're so missing the point right now."

"Rosie, look, I'll be honest with you." Alice took a deep breath before looking seriously in the camera. "Dating women who aren't completely out yet can be more difficult than you'd expect especially when you're already out. Is it impossible? Absolutely not. But you have to make sure communication is solid. Obviously, don't ever rush anyone into coming out, but be mindful that when someone has had to hide a part of themselves for so much of their life, they tend to be pretty good liars."

A bitter laugh escaped Rosie's throat. "Trust me, Jennie's not the dishonest one in this relationship."

Alice narrowed her eyes. "What is that supposed to mean?"

That Jennie wasn't the one living in the other's home under a fake name. Jennie wasn't the one claiming to be a tutor. Jennie wasn't the one hiding in wait of an exclusive that she hoped would save her a job and actually promote her from copy editor. Jennie wasn't so ashamed of how she'd lived the past several days that she couldn't sleep at night.

But of course, Alice couldn't know that. No one ever could and the longer it stayed like that, the better.

"It's nothing," Rosie shook her head and she felt her eyes prickle. She needed to change the subject before this continued any further. "How's Bella?"

"She's doing great actually!" Alice said, instantly perking up. "We've done all sorts of holiday things together: decorated the tree, string popcorn garlands, went caroling. Oh, we're even going to decorate sugar cookies tonight! Bella even brought her own cookie cutters so we have a variety of reindeers this year!"

"That's great," Rosie said, forcing her smile to be bigger than it was.

"And we're talking about all the things we can do next year together," Alice continued. "Apparently Brian makes a great eggnog that Bella's dying for me to try."

"Wait, Brian?" Rosie frowned.

"Well, yeah, Brian, her brother." Alice rolled her eyes. "You two work together, remember? Anyway, since we're at my place this year, we'll be at her place the next just to make sure things stay even."

Rosie's heart dropped. "You're not going to be in Busan next Christmas?"

"It's only fair to Bella that I go home with her next year," Alice shrugged. "It was always going to come to this Rosie. I mean, it's part of growing up. Hell, you're already missing Christmas this year. And apparently spending it with a babe."

"This is for work though, Alice," Rosie's mouth worked before more sound came out. "What, are you just going to leave Rachel and Arnold alone?"

"I'll see them at Thanksgiving." Alice cocked her head to the side. "And it's not like I'm leaving them alone. They still have you."

"But you're their daughter."

"So are you."

"Not really, though."

Alice jerked her head back as if she'd been bit. "Excuse me? Uh, yeah, you are. You're their daughter just as much as you're my sister."

"You know what I mean, Alice," Rosie said, her eyes prickling again as she stared down at her keyboard.

Once Upon A Royal Christmas (Chaennie)Where stories live. Discover now