The red tower

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Y/n's clothes:

Y/n's clothes:

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Narrator: "The pixies have succeeded in repelling the Trix's attack, destroying Valtor's hideout in Bloomwood Forest. But the sorcerer is ready to strike once more."


Bloom is in her Enchantix form, preparing for the battle. Bloom: "Huh?" Suddenly, Bloom flies in the air to see a small portal created by Stella. Bloom: "Oh, an Anti-Sunshine Spell!" More portals appear around Bloom. Bloom: "All right, I can handle this." Bloom uses her fireballs to attack the portals. Musa and Flora appear. Musa: "Okay, let's see if you can handle this now. Sound Cage!" She creates a cage of rings that traps Bloom. Bloom struggles to break free. Flora: "Wow, it's working!" Bloom finally breaks free using a supersonic flame spell. The other girls go back to their civilian forms. Musa: "I need a break. I used up all my power on this one." Lockette: "My oh my! What's going on here? Why are you fighting?!" Stella: "Don't worry Lockette, we're not fighting." Bloom: "Yeah, since Valtor and I both get our power from the Dragon Fire, we figured if we can find a way to beat my power, we can use it to beat his and so that's what we're trying to do. Y/n, your turn." Y/n: "Fine." Bloom: "Okay?" Y/n: "Water Starline!" A sphere forms around her while a large beam of water hits Bloom. It weakened her greatly. Bloom: "Ahh!" *Falls* Y/n: "Are you okay!" *Flies down* Bloom: "You're really strong." Y/n: "Oh, thank goodness! You're okay!" Bloom: "Flora, you're next." Flora: "Okay, here goes. Sorry, sweetie."

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