Crown of Dreams

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Y/n's Outfit:

~Outside, Sparks~

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~Outside, Sparks~

The monster walks away, Stella peeks out from behind a hill where she and Flora are crouched. Flora: "Is it gone yet?" Stella: "Yeah, I think so. Let's find Bloom." Tecna: "We've got to move quickly. The avalanche covered the chasm completely." Musa: "Hey, it's cool, I've got an energy-sensing spell. I use it when I need to find my Dad backstage and I don't have reception. Check it!" Musa casts a spell. Flora: "The bounce-back is coming from over there." Musa: "That's right. Under all that ice. That looks like a castle, doesn't it?" Stella: "Yeah! She's got to be in there! She is a Princess. All we need to do is find the receiving room and I'll flash my all-access, all-castles pass." Tecna: "Does it work when the castle is as frozen as the moons of Jupiter?" Stella pulls off her ring and it transforms into a scepter. Stella: "That's when you need a little Sun Power!" Stella uses magic to melt the ice. Stella: "Defrosting castles is like dressing for winter weather: you must do it in layers." Musa: "You've got this down!" Stella: "The winters in Solaria are infrequent but rough. I've had to defrost many a royal residence. But it looks like this one might be tough." Some of the ice has melted but a lot of it remains.

~Chasm, Sparks~

At the bottom of the chasm, Bloom emerges from underneath a pile of snow. Bloom: "Good thing I'm wearing a padded outfit. Saved by fashion, Stella would love it. I have to find them." Bloom walks along the bottom of the chasm. Bloom: "Hello?! Anybody here?!" There are distant sounds, as she reaches destroyed rooms. Voice: "Awww, what a cute baby!" Bloom: "Who's there?!" There are more sounds, including a baby crying. Bloom: "Hello?" Voice: "It's time for your bottle. Rock-a-bye Princess, in your sweet..." Bloom: "I know that voice." Voice: "When you grow up, you will rule on your own." Bloom: "I think I've been here before." Voice: "Dinner is served, everyone, please be seated." Bloom: "This is so weird, I remember this place." Bloom has a vision of what the room used to look like. Bloom: "This was my... home." Bloom walks into another room, full of sparkly things. Bloom: "This is so amazing. The Sparks Royal Palace! Too bad it's wrecked." The ground starts to shake, things collapse, and ice starts to fall. The ground collapses and Bloom falls through.

~Outside, Sparks~

Outside the ground is also shaking and collapsing. Stella: "Ooops, might have overdone it a bit." Tecna: "Oh, do you think so?" Stella: "But it worked!" They look into a part of the collapsed ground. Stella: "Something's moving." Bloom climbs up. Flora: "Look, it's her. Hey Bloom!" Stella: "Hi!" Bloom: "I am so glad to see you! Come down and check out my palace!" Most of the ice has melted off the palace. Stella: "Let's try to melt, the rest of the castle." Stella uses her magic to get rid of the last of the ice. Tecna: "Let me help." Tenca adds her magic. Tecna: "This Power Squared function will multiply your power by itself." Bloom, Flora, and Musa: "Cool." Tecna: "Now, aren't you glad we took that mathematics and magic honors workshop together?" Stella: "I did that?" Tecna: "Yeah, you did. But it was early, and you slept a lot in class." The ice is completely melted. Flora: "You did it, you guys." Bloom: "They destroyed everything, didn't they?" Musa: "Yeah, but maybe not the Dragon Fire. I have this feeling, that it's still here." Bloom: "You think?" Musa: "Yeah! I do." Tecna and Flora approach one of the holes in the ground. Tecna: "Look at this. It's an undamaged area." Flora: "It must have been protected by some really powerful magic. Like the Dragon Fire." Bloom: "Maybe you were right, Musa, and it's still here." The girls go down into the undamaged area. Musa: "Let's hope nothing's lurking down here." Tecna brings up a digital display. Tecna: "I don't detect any other life forms inside the castle walls." Bloom: "I heard voices before." Stella: "They were probably, trapped voices from the past." Daphne: "Bloom!" Stella: "That doesn't sound like a trapped voice!" Bloom: "I know that voice. I think." Flora: "What's going on here, Tecna?" Tecna: "We've got a visitor, but it's not someone like us." Daphne: "Welcome, Bloom." Daphne appears before them. Daphne: "I have been waiting for you." Bloom: "Daphne." Stella: "That's a great outfit." Daphne: "Please, we must hurry. Follow me." Daphne's image is flickering in and out of view and leads them along a hallway. Bloom: "She's the one from my dream." Stella: "Maybe she's like your fairy godmother." Bloom: "Neat." Daphne: "Bloom. I know the Dragon Fire was stolen, and you were right to come here to look for it." Bloom: "Will you show me where it is?" Daphne: "Yes, but understand the Flame is not hidden here on Sparks." Bloom: "It's not?" Daphne: "No, but I have something to show you. It will help you." They reach a set of doors and Daphne opens them. Daphne: "This is the Royal Treasure room. Everything in this room is yours, Bloom. Take a look." The girls walk into a room full of treasure. Bloom, Flora, Tecna, Stella, and Musa: "Wow!" Bloom: "This is all mine?" Daphne: "It's yours." Bloom, Flora, Tecna, Stella, and Musa: "Cool!" Tecna: "This is quite astonishing!" Musa: "Bloom can live largely, this is what I call bling-bling." Stella: "It's my kind of room!" Daphne stands beside a large table at the front of the room. Daphne: "Come here, Bloom." Bloom: "What is it?" Daphne: "This belongs to you as well." Bloom: "Huh?" On the table, under protective glass, is a crown. Bloom: "I get a real crown?" Daphne: "Yes, pick it up. It will show you your story." Bloom picks up the crown. Daphne: "When you were born, Domino was still filled with pure magic." The crown shows Bloom what Domino looked like before it was destroyed. Daphne: "But then the coven launched a sneak attack. They took over the entire planet and destroyed everything." Bloom sees the attack. Daphne: "What was once the most magical place in the universe became lifeless." The crown shows Bloom as a baby, surrounded by fire. Daphne: "The King called on me to save you and guard the Dragon Fire. I took you and the flame and I brought you to the last place anyone would look for a magical creature. I delivered you to Earth." Bloom sees Daphne putting her into a portal. Daphne: "It was the place where your destiny was waiting. A destiny that would nurture and care for you, and that would prepare you to one day return to Sparks. To reclaim your throne." The visions end and Bloom are crying. Bloom: "I just can't believe this. I messed everything up." Musa: "Bloom." Daphne: "Don't cry, it's not your fault, you did what you could." Bloom: "Yeah?" Flora: "Yeah!" Bloom: "But all this happened so I could protect the Dragon Fire. It was my responsibility, and I so failed, I let the witches take it! I didn't protect it at all. Tell me what to do Daphne. I'll do anything, I'll do whatever it takes to get the Dragon Fire back from the witches." Daphne: "You will get the Dragon Fireback, it belongs to you, it is your destiny. Look for it, and you'll find it." Daphne disappears.

Sky's Little Sister- Rewrite (Editing to make easier to read)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant