Chapter 9: Locked In A Cell

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"Why? I just want to know why kid," Fury stated but like with all his questions or comments you continued to ignore him from inside the cell he had you put in. You were in a straight jacket, laying on your side on the floor of your cell, with some kind of weird collar around your neck, Fury had it specially designed to block your powers. You had no idea he had something like that, I guess if he couldn't control you and have you work for him this was the next best thing to keep you in line. He said it was one of a kind but you doubted it, seeing as his backup plans had backup plans, you were certain if you somehow managed to break the collar he'd have something waiting for you. He didn't even let you explain on the bridge before having someone inject you with whatever, was there even any point in trying to tell him or anyone now? He kept asking about why you did it and you kept ignoring him, hoping he'd go away if you did so but he was persistent, and eventually you got fed up with it and told him to leave. 

"It doesn't matter what I say, you've already branded me a traitor" you turned over to glare at him, and he asked again, saying he was willing to cut you a deal. He said if you played your cards right you could even still work as part of the Avengers Initiative, under supervision of course and that collar would have to stay on for a while until they knew you could be trusted again. You laughed for a moment before saying, "it's funny, it really is, how did I not notice the leash you kept me on, I guess I was too distracted with all the shiny little things and trying to prove myself to you". You then laughed again, there was always a small part of you that believed that they only took you in because of your powers but you were in denial about it, choosing to believe they just really wanted to help you. It was clear to you now, they only wanted to use you, control you, and if they couldn't they'd lock you away until you proved useful, just like your parents. You weren't going to let anyone do that to you again, telling Fury, "you never wanted to help me, you only wanted to use me, make me a weapon, well I rather rot in here than help you, so fuck off". You glare at Director Fury as he left, feeling angry as you were more trapped now than you had ever been before, but unlike back then you didn't really see a way out. 

You let out multiple screams in frustration, kicking the cell door over and over again until your feet hurt, which made you only want to kick harder, as distracting yourself was much easier. And seeing as you were in a regular cell, you could damage it as much as you wanted without the worry of plummeting to the Earth to your untimely death. Within about 10 minutes you got tired, you were all out of breath, collapsing to your knees back onto the floor before laying down and curling up into a ball. You tried not to cry and for the most part, you succeeded, only letting a few tears drip down your face which you hid from the cameras, you didn't want them to catch you crying on video. They already had audio recordings of you being intimate with Loki, him reading to you, you singing to him, just chatting about this, that, and nothing, and worst of all, you having sex, a lot of sex, like a crazy amount for only a couple of days.  

You turn over to lay on your back to stare up at the ceiling, thinking about how you could escape and get to Loki as you struggled in your straight jacket. This one was different than the ones they used in the mental hospital but you would figure out how to get out of it, you always did, so much so one of the nicer nurses started calling you Houdini. It was one of the few good memories you had from back then, she did treat you like you were some feeble-minded child and of course you didn't like that but you liked it when she used that nickname, as it was far better than the other names they'd use. It became a game at some point, seeing how fast you could get out of one, they used various different designs to keep you restrained and you always enjoyed seeing if you could still escape, but none of them ever stumped you. 

You wondered if you should even try to escape right now or if you should pretend to play nice until you could get this stupid collar off as everyone was on high alert right now. You knew with everything going on with Loki and the invasion it might not be possible to escape, and although you knew you'd be fine once you got out, it was getting to that part that would be difficult. You knew Loki would probably be making his move soon, in the next couple of days or so, you could always wait for that to happen, basically piggybacking on his escape to get away yourself. But you didn't know his plan as he didn't talk about it with you and you didn't ask as it wasn't something you really wanted to discuss and neither did he. It was the one point of contention between the two of you, as it happens you didn't even think about it much when you were with him, only when discussing things with the Avengers did it ever come up.  

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