Ch.2 "Can I be a hero?"

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Sitting up the green, curly hair was blocking his view. He brushed it back with his hands.


He frantically searched the room, pulling the IV out of his arm. Blood was dripping, he ran out and Mitsuki was sitting there,hands on knees. She looked up, ran to Izuku and cried.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, it wasnt your fault, she's gone..."

He couldn't move...he couldn't breath...he couldn't speak...he couldn't do anything.

Blood pooled on the floor where he crouched down with the crying woman. Thinking to himself, 'why me?'

After Mitsuki got back her strength and calmed down, she proposed to take young Midoriya in.

"I-I can't I-I don't w-want to l-leave m-my house"

He couldn't help but stutter, he wasn't functioning properly at the moment.

Everything after that was a daze, one of Izuku's uncles said they would pay for all the rent so Izuku could live and stay in that house.

Midoriya wanted to become a hero, so he could avenge his mum, prove that he could do what she didn't think he could. Not Even a week after the incident he was already back at school.

"So kids, what school are we aiming for next?"
"UA" the class shouted back.
"As if that deku can make it there, he doesn't even have a quirk"

He lowered his head in shame.

Why? Why can't I be a h-hero? Why not?

Once everyone had written what school they were going to the teacher read through them all.

"Midoriya? You really think you can make it into UA?" His teacher smirked knowing what storm he had just brew.

The whole class roared, boasting about how they could do so much better.The way home was even worse, cornered by the angry blonde, he was told to swan dive off a roof.

Should I? What's the point? No one needs me. I can't be a hero

"OI stop muttering damn nerd"

After they recklessly beat him, they soon left.

The boy was In a panicked state, left in an alleyway, hyperventilating, alone. Something appeared from the shadows.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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