"Nope, I meant what I wanted to mean" He whispered into her ear.

"Auroraaa, Mommy" That was Jazzy.

"She has woken up" Aurora got up from Nicolo's lap.

"Let her sleep a little more" He wrapped his arms around Aurora's waist and pulled her back to him. She pushed him away playfully and left.

"Hey, you know, once I loved a crazy girl who was afraid of thunder" Nicolo shouted as Aurora went to Jazzy's room.

"Now, you ar married to her" Aurora shouted back. Nicolo smiled at the ground because he remembered his toxic love.

...At the college...

When Soren saw Diana, he rubbed the back of his head as if to remind her of what she did.

"I'm sorry" Diana mouthed as she locked her locker. Soren smiled with her from the corner of his mouth. She rolled her eyes and went away.

"Hey, bro" Shawn wrapped his arm around Soren's neck.

"I can't breathe" Soren pushed Shawn away.

"You know, there's a party tonight, are you going?" asked Shawn.

"Where?" Soren raised his eyebrows.

"At Diego's house," Shawn said sadly.

"Who is that?" Soren asked annoyingly because he didn't know him.

"Don't you know about that guy? He is so rich as I've heard so the party will be excellent. But I don't like him at all" Shawn said as he put his stuff to the locker.

"Are you coming?" Soren had no idea to go to the party.

"You know that I can't come. Our mom is so weak now so she needs me to be with her. I also don't want to leave her and hurt her" Shawn said as tears welled up in his eyes. Shawn's mom was suffering from severe cancer.

"I don't want to go too" Soren hugged his friend and gently rubbed his back.

"No, you go" Shawn put his arm on Soren's shoulder.

"But I can't hurt you," Soren said with a low voice.

"No, I won't get hurt. I know, you love parties so go and enjoy" Shawn smiled slightly. "But remember one thing, don't flirt with girls. If you do that without me, I'll get hurt" Shawn burst out with a laugh. He was such a nice friend. Shawn was playful but sensitive and smart.

"What is Diego's last name? I actually don't know about him" Soren had a curiosity about that guy.

"Mmm..." Shawn rubbed the behind of his neck. "Oh! Venus...Diego Venus" he said a little proudly because he proved he had a good memory.

"Wait, is he Diana's brother or something?" Soren was confused.

"Nope, I think, there's no such thing. Why do you think so?" Shawn was also a bit confused.

"Nothing" But Soren was reminded of Nicolo's reaction when he heard the name 'Venus'.

"By the way, this fucking project is going to kill me" Shawn punched himself in the head with a book.

"I forgot something, now listen," Soren told the whole incident which happened the day before with Diana.

"Boy, don't fall for a nerd" Shawn gently patted Soren's shoulder.

"Puh...I don't like her. Keep it as a secret, the thing about her eyes. Unless I'll kill you" Soren gave him a deadly look.

"Oh gosh! Can you kill me?" Shawn shrugged his shoulders while he was reading the literature book.

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