Chapter 13: A Steamy Exchange

Start from the beginning

"Who said he was taking advantage of me?" I asked then and stepped out from behind Bradley to look directly at Tom. I wasn't sure I was liking this possession he felt he had over me much now. Bradley turned to face him then and I could have sworn that I physically saw him puff out his chest at him.

"Yeah, calm down! I was actually cleaning up your mess" he growled and Tom's eyes widnend and his face dropped.

"What does that mean?" he asked, looking between his best friend and me, pure worry on his face now.

"Don't play dumb Tom... It's not a good look on you" Bradley replied and shook his head before he turned back to face me, his eyes softening immediately. "You ok for me to leave you two here to talk? Or do you need be to kick his ass before I leave?" He asked and despite the whirlwind of emotions going on with me in that moment, the visual image of Bradley doing that to Tom made me crack a smile.

"I'm sure I can hold my own... Thanks though Bradley" I giggled and squeezed his shoulder, giving him the all clear to head off and resume his fun downstairs.

"Anytime Beautiful" He replied and threw me a wink before heading to the door, making sure Tom got one more glare off of him before he closed the door behind him.

Tom and I were alone. And the silence was so loud. I turned back to Tom, but wasn't exactly sure what to say. So you can understand my delight when Tom broke the silence for me.

"Are you ok?" he asked, taking a step towards me and resting his hand on my arm, but I shook it off. I didn't want him to touch me, not yet.

"I'm fine... I can take care of myself after all" I replied and then narrowed my eyes at him to continue. "I graduated RADA with the highest results, I'm financially stable.. ish and I am quite happy to take a cab or the tube without having a nervous breakdown about being alone" I finished, not that it was really necessary. But Tom listened never the less.

"I know... you're amazing" He said softly as his eyes caught mine. But that set me off again.

"You're damn right I am! And I'm far too good for this bloody back and forth 'will they, won't they' bullshit!" I snapped. There is was, no more holding back.

"I... I know that too" he stuttered, clearly thrown off from never having to see me like this before. I stepped closer to him then, jabbing my finger against his shoulder as I continued.

"One minute you pull me onto the dance floor, then the next I might as well be watching your wedding speech!" Another jab followed that to help me make my next point, but Tom interrupted me before I could continue, something had changed in his eyes.

"And I cannot and have not stopped thinking about that dance since..." He said, as though he was trying to lure me in with that sexy voice and his gorgeous eyes... but that wasn't going to work... yet.

"You said you wanted to talk... Well here's your big chance Tom! Let me have it! Tell me about how sorry you are and how wrong this is!" I growled. My eyes full of fire, and not the sexy kind, this was all rage. One more jab to his shoulder just to make a point then followed. "Why did you even ask Sarah to get me to stay tonight? Did you want me to see her all over you?" I asked. I felt the tears coming back then, brimming in my eyes as my vision started to go a little blurry. I went to jab at his shoulder one last time but instead he reached out and grabbed my finger, holding it tightly.

"No! Of course not.... I just.. I wanted you here. For once in my life I wasn't thinking about everyone else and what might have happened with her here" He sighed and I couldn't help but shake my head.

"Well maybe I should make it easier for you and tell Sarah I quit, then you won't have to see me anymore and live happily ever after" I huffed, of course that wasn't what I wanted to do, but if it got me out of this mess, I would give it all up.

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