Chapter 3: Unexpeted Events

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A few days had passed since Sarah gave me the job, sending me home that evening to allow me a week to pack the things I needed when moving into her and Yakov's penthouse. We had discussed salary and holiday over email so that she was aware of any time off I needed, prior to starting. Sadly, due to funds, I had no holiday booked, but I made sure to let her know that I required only one weekend off in the first 6 months I was due to work for her, and that was for my cousin Caroline's Wedding... which I had been told I needed to bring a plus one for. It was originally going to be Sam, but then our relationshipcame to an abrupt end, so knowing my love life at the time, I would either need to go alone or take my best friend Michelle with me.

"I can't believe your boss is Tom Hiddleston's sister, Ally!!" Speak of the devil! It was the day before I was due to move into the penthouse and Michelle had come over to help me finish packing. "I mean how are you not more excited than you are? I know how long you've had a crush on that man! Seriously Al, you've got a one way ticket into bed with him if you play your cards right!" she announced enthusiastically and I had to calm her down.

"Will you cut it out! My parents do not need to hear that their daughter is already hoping to shag her way through the next six months!" I whispered with warning and threw a sock at her, making her laugh.

"I can't believe you haven't told them! I'm one hundred percent sure that they know who he is too... considering, again, how long he's been your celebrity crush!" she retorted, throwing the sock back at me with a maniacal laugh. I rolled my eyes and just ignored her, shutting her up by not responding normally worked in the past so I tried my luck again with the current topic of conversation. It must have worked because she had pulled her phone out and flicked through it momentarily, clearly distracted by something else.

I did a walk around of my room one last time, making sure everything was packed up that I needed, as I didn't particularly like the idea of coming back to my parents too often to pick up things that I had missed. My laptop was the only main thing I hadn't packed yet, and that was because I had been looking into new audition opportunities.

"Oh shit.... no f-ing way" Michelle suddenly blurted out and threw her phone onto my bed and diving into my desk chair, opening up a new tab on Google on my laptop. With a frown at her outburst, I watched her and walked towards the laptop to see what she was doing. She was typing incredibly fast and hit the Enter button harder than she probably needed to. Michelle did like to be a drama queen most of the time, I was shocked she didn't join my career path instead of going into fashion. "Ally... you need to see this" she suddenly said out of the blue and grabbed my wrist to pull me closer.

On the screen was a news tabloid page that she had clicked onto, clearly having seen it on her phone and deciding to use the laptop to make it bigger and easier to read. My eyes widened at the words and stomach clenched when Michelle decided to read them out loud too.

Hot off the press! Marvel's Tom Hiddleston, gets serious and announces he's tying the knot!

"He's.... engaged?!" The both of us said it in unison and I felt my head spin. I had to sit down. He had definitely kept that extremely quiet. Being a fan of his projects meant I had tried to keep up to date as much as I could, along with several of his co-stars such as Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson, but the fact that NO ONE knew Tom was in a relationship, let alone engaged, this came as more of a shock than it should have. I leant over Michelle's shoulder to read some more of the article that sat underneath a picture of a blonde haired beauty that must have been just a little younger than Tom. She was stunning, her long golden hair flowed down over her shoulders and looked like it was super soft. She had big green eyes and perfect lips, and don't get me started on her figure, she looked like an Instagram model!

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