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Kirishimas PoV

I open the door to see Bakugo holding flowers. "Kirishima.. d-do you want to be my boyfriend." he said shyly holding flowers infront of me.

I smiles and hugged him. "Of course I'll be your boyfriend!" he smiled back and we had our first ✨kiss✨

We cuddled the rest of the night and watched a few movies. I woke up with Bakugo next to me asleep. I started twitching a bit

(TW tic attack)

I started hitting myself and whistling. I was out of air but kept whistling. I was hitting my wrist together. "Im a bitch! fuck your aunt!" My movement turn to me slamming my arm against the table. I felt hands grab my free arm. "Kirishima breath in and out for me ok?" he pulled me his chest, "Listen and follow the rhythm of my heart." I was making sounds and my arm felt pretty much broke but I did as he told and did my best to focus on his heart

Soon enough I calmed down and held my arm in pain. Since tic attacks did let me use my quirk its was broken but when i checked the time it was 04:30. I was crying upset on why it had to be me but Bakugo stayed there reassuring me and helping me cope a bit.

(TW over)

He pulled me in and played with my hair to help calm me down. I was exhausted but found it hard to sleep. "shitty hair just relax its the weekend so we don't have school." i heard the blonde teen state. I closed my eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

(Timeskip bc who wants to watch anime characters sleep)

Still Kirishimas PoV:

I woke up as it was about 9, my arm still hurts a lot. I nudged Bakugo as I hear a groan. "what is it." he says in a very tired tone." "can we go to the doctor my arms hurts a bunch.." I only asked as recovery girl had a trip this weekend and she didn't need to waste energy on a minor break at the moment.

"fine. when do you wanna go?" "how about 12?" he nodded and rolled his eyes. I knew he was being himself and that made me happy. I had bruises all over from the attack as well Bakugo had a few from calming me down and I couldn't help but feel bad. Soon enough it was 12 and we were in the waiting room.

"Mr. Kirishima?" I raised my unhurt harm and went with Bakugo. The receptionist gave us a concerned look. "Could you please fill out these forms for us?" I went to grab it but Bakugo managed to before I could, I knew why at least, he knew I was right handed and its pretty hard to write nicely with my left hand. I didn't mind as Bakugo already knew all the information and handed back to the Receptionist. "Go to room ###" She said reaching for her phone as we left.

I was sitting next to Bakugo as the doctor walked in I cracked my thumb along with the rest of my fingers. "So your here for an x-ray? What happened?" the doctor asked vaguely while looking concerned. I paused for a second them spoke. "I was having a Tic Attack and I hit my arm on a desk harshly." I saw Bakugo staring at the doctor then me. By then I saw the doctor looking worried.

 -blah blah blah after x-ray- 

The doctor asked Bakugo to step outside while he was going to talk to me, Reluctantly he agreed and went out. "Are you alright?" The doctor asked. "What do you mean?" after a moments I heard someone screaming "Put you hands where I can see them and don't move!"

A/N:Sorry this chapter took over a month and it isnt that long but were getting drama Hope you enjoys and thanks for 3.4k reads and 100 votes it means a lot to me so again thank you for supporting this story (: Also if you like mcyt or sbi read my new book Home Is Where Family Is - author

If Kirishima Had TourettesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang