Future at risk?

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Authors note: I came back to this with a good idea but its 2 am so if the writing isn't making a lot of sense its because of that-

Bakugos PoV:

I was in recovery girls office waiting for Kiri to wake up

He had a deep cut on his forehead from his quirk

Everyone had already visited him but i refused to leave I had been here about 2 days now

I was on my phone when i heard "mm bakubro you there?"

I turned around to see Kiri awake rubbing his eyes

I hugged him seconds after I felt his arms go around me

"Why am I here again?-" He asked

You activated your quirk while ticking so you busted you head open but Recovery Girl fixed you up

"So that explains the headache" I chuckled a little

Damn how stupid could you be shitty hair

We talked for awhile before Recovery girl came in a excused Kirishima from the office

Kirishimas PoV:

We sat in my room when I heard a knock on my door. I go answer it and I saw aizawa

Hey sansei what are you doing here?

 "I wanted to talk about what happened a few days ago" 

Sure? He told Bakugo to leave the room as we talked

"So as you realize you hurt yourself  from your Tourettes with you quirk"

I nodded knowing this was going to get serious

"Me and a few other teacher are worried if this happens again, or if you have a tic attack and Im not there to cancel your quirk."

I know.. I've thought about all of this before and I've come up with solutions most of the time I can expect the tic so i harden my head before it happens

He sighed "Fine but if this happens 2 more times Im expelling you for your safety." he let Bakugo back in and closed the door

Authors note:

thats that I don't really know what else to add so heres parts 7?-

Word Count:317


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