Taeyeob: oh you recognized me, where is your wife?

Jin: she is here

Taeyeob: ahh Kim Jisoo?

Jin: yes

New: and she is my cousin

Taeyeob: ahh ok

Jin: and where's your wife?

Taeyeob: she is here too

Jin: oh my god she and my wife have the same room in here

Taeyeob: yeah I know and she is Taeyeon she gave birth to 8babies

Jin: and my wife has 9 babies

Taeyeob: wow your children was more than mine

Jin: I know right

New: ok

*Taeyeon and Jisoo woke up*

Jisoo: I'm alive

Taeyeon: I'm also alive

Taeyeob: thank God our wives were alive

Jin: yeah

*Jisoo meets Taeyeon*

Jisoo: Why she is here?

Jin: you have the same room with her

Taeyeon: hi

Jisoo: hi

Taeyeon: who are you?

Jisoo: I'm Kim Jisoo

Taeyeon: and I'm Kim Taeyeon

Jisoo: wow we have the same surname Kim

Taeyeon: yeah

*New leaves the hospital for his important things in his castle*

Jisoo: cousin where are you going?

New: I'm going to my castle to prepare my things


*Taeyeon and Jisoo saw each other's newborn babies*

Taeyeon: wow our babies so cute

Jisoo: yeah

Taeyeon: your babies are cuter anyways

Jisoo: they were both cute you know

Taeyeon: yeah I know right

Jisoo: yeah

*The Karens tried to find Taeyeon and Jisoo to kill them*

Karen 1: Where is Taeyeon and Jisoo??!! Where are they?!

Karen 2: Hahaha I will kill you with my knife!

Karen 3: Jisoo! Taeyeon! Where did you go?! Where is my child?! How dare you stealing my child!!!!

Karen 4: Taeyeob??!! Please come back to me!!!!

Nurse: run!!!!

*The nurses ran faster when the man attempts to kill them*

*The nurses went inside the hospital room*

Nurse: hey we need to escape now!

Taeyeob: why what happened?!

Nurse: the women outside is going to kill us!

Jin: what?!

Nurse: yes come on let's get out of here

* The nurses immediately discharges Taeyeon and Jisoo to escape the building also their children*

*A few minutes later, they went inside Taeyeob's car*

Taeyeob: let's go inside my car!

Taeyeon: oh my gosh the women inside is insane

Jisoo: yeah

Jin: oh my god those girls are insane and I don't know why New left the hospital

Taeyeob: yeah

*Taeyeob drives the car quickly*

Jin: hey be careful

Taeyeob: we were getting chased by the Karens

*Karens started stalking Taeyeob*

Karen 1: Taeyeob!!!! Please stop leaving me!!!! We have our child! Please don't leave!

Karen 2: please!!! Don't leave with our child Jin!

*The policemen arrived in the hospital then arrested the Karens*

Karen 1: why did you arrest me? I was about to talk to my husband!

Karen 2: me too

Police 1: you are under arrest from the crime of adultery

Police 2: you are also under arrest from the crime of murder

*The policemen put the Karens inside their car*

Karen 1: let me out of here! He left me with my child!

Karen 2: stop! I don't want to go to jail!

*Jin saw the policemen*

Jin: Taeyeob we were safe now

Taeyeob: how?

Jin: there's a policeman

Taeyeob: oh finally

Policeman: *knocks the door* sir

Jin: what is it?

Policeman: Are you alright?

Jin: yes

Policeman: anyone who is the victim of the adultery?

Jisoo: me

Taeyeon: me too

Policeman: Thank God you two are safe

Jisoo: yeah

Taeyeob: thank God sir those women are trying to kill me and to commit adultery

Policeman: ok if you have an emergency please call us in this number 911

Taeyeob: ok sir thank you

*Taeyeob , Jin and their wives thanked the policeman*

Jisoo: we were going home honey

Taeyeon: no Jisoo you are going with me

Jisoo: ok

To be continued at part 2

The Fallen King and The White PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now