First Meeting

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Special mentions to AoiReid, HTTYDandMLBlover, Mystic_Raven20, and FANDOM_mlb_andMORE. Check these people out!!

Now, on with the story!

"I, Hawkmoth, will share an announcement. I have declared my son will pick a lucky lady to be his future fiance out of free choice, no bribes, love potions, or seduction allowed. If caught or suspected of making him choose you, you are hereby severely punished with extra chores to your training lessons," Hawkmoth projected his voice from the Agreste castle window.

Meanwhile, Marinette heard the announcement Hawkmoth made but wasn't so sure of it. She was on her way to her friend Luka's home to drop by for a few minutes, she didn't expect to be proposed to by random men her age so many times in one week.

"Hey, Luka. Are you participating in the band tryouts with Juleka? I wish I could join as well but music playing isn't my thing," Marinette asked.

"Hey Marinette, I-I am participating but I wanted to ask you something," Luka nervously stuttered, checking his pocket.

"If it's about kissing you or marrying you, I reject your proposal because I'm not ready for relationships just yet. It's not you, it's me... please hand this to Juleka when you see her again," Marinette sighed, tossing Juleka's handmade potion to him.

"I understand, I'll give it to her," Luka said as Marinette closed the door on her way out of his house.

"Same as always. She's never going to be ready with relationships," Rose shakes her head solemnly.


Cat Noir turns himself into a cat while Marinette takes an afternoon stroll, and with a determined yet unshakeable glare in her eyes, she calmly finds a place to sit when a cat nuzzles against her foot. Picking up the black cat, Chloe strolled by and made fun of her with a snarky remark.

"Look at you, a kitten sitting on your lap but you can't seem to keep a man. I doubt Hawkmoth's son Cat Noir will pick you over me," Chloe giggles while she sashays away.

The cat in her arms started to hiss as Marinette petted the kitten to calm down which it purrs when she pets his stomach. Marinette stood up to walk home with the kitten in her arms, opening her door as she shut it behind her.

"Finally home at last! I still have more of my training left to do," Marinette sighs again, placing the cat down gently.

Walking up to her bedroom, she got dressed in her pajamas and walked downstairs to find a man dressed like a cat, something she never saw before. She was confused once the man in the catsuit quickly grabbed her wrist and placed a gentle kiss on the back of her hand before he began to speak.

"The name is Cat Noir, the son of Hawkmoth, the greatest wizard in all of Paris. You are truly beautiful, what is your name, young lady?" He winked at her, she blushed red at the mischievous glint in his eyes.

"M-Marinette," she stutters, before looking away from him shyly.

"Don't be shy Marinette, look at me please," Cat Noir reassured her but she ignored him.

Marinette went to look for the black kitten she took home with her only to find that it disappeared, Cat Noir standing behind her with an eager smile. She was too set on finding the kitten to realize he was standing right behind her the whole time.

"Kitty, where are you? You were here a few moments ago," Marinette threw her couch pillows across her living room as she searched for the cat that sat on her living room couch when she left to change her clothes.

Cat Noir quickly caught her couch pillows while Marinette searched through her home until he surprised her as he finally explained to her what happened to that cat she had. By deciding to turn back into a cat to stop her from searching, she stopped in her tracks to see the cat that was in her living room.

"Princess, calm down," Cat Noir said from his cat form, Marinette was in shock that the stray could talk to her.

"How can you talk in cat form?" Marinette asked, trying to keep her composure.

"I'm Cat Noir, just in cat form. I thought I could follow you to your home to avoid the fangirls, sorry for not explaining myself earlier," he explained calmly.

"Oh okay. What's your deal dude, explain please," Marinette calmly looked at him as he turned back to his original form.

"I'm a junior mage but my father is strict with me to pick a woman of my choice, I sneak out for freedom as a black cat because I was often taught by my father himself. On most days, I saw you take on a few witches and wizards last week and I fell in love with you after a while of watching your training... So my kind and noble princess, will you marry me?" Cat Noir asked, pulling out a diamond ring and getting down on one knee.

Marinette was speechless, Cat Noir, Hawkmoth's son proposing to her in her own home was something unexpected. She didn't want to hurt his feelings but she wasn't ready for a relationship after getting proposals from guys she barely knew but what Chloe said flashed in her mind.

Look at you, a kitten sitting on your lap but you can't seem to keep a man. I doubt Hawkmoth's son Cat Noir will pick you over me, she hated how bratty Chloe was for making others miserable but had lots of hope for her in the future.

"I hope you're not letting what Chloe said get to you, princess. I appreciate it if you give me an answer, I'll be happy with your honesty," Cat Noir suggests, swinging his tail that was attached to his costume.

"I... I'm not ready for a relationship with you, Cat Noir. Please be patient with me because I think you went too far ahead, for now, I-I think we should get to know one another first," Marinette said awkwardly.

"Alright then, I'll be waiting for your answer, Marinette. I have to go now, farewell my sweet princess!" Cat Noir left from her balcony, climbing down as he ran home.

For the first time, she felt something warm within her heart. Meanwhile, Hawkmoth stood there watching his son return to his room.

"Son, I hope you have a good explanation for leaving your lessons and getting distracted," Hawkmoth said, his voice intimidatingly loud as Cat Noir was nervous but explained to his father anyway.

"I-I have found a girl that caught my attention. I proposed to her but she told me that she needed time to think things over," Cat Noir said sheepishly.

"Alright son. I'll announce that you already picked a woman to marry," Hawkmoth said, picking at the buttons on his suit.

"Her name is Marinette, she's really beautiful, sweet, and kind," Cat Noir blushed. "She told me that isn't looking for a relationship yet."

"She'll be your wife, son! It'll be within a month for her to decide to marry you or it's marrying Lila," Hawkmoth bitterly sighed, wanting Chloe and Lila to leave him alone.

"Father- are you sure you want to announce that?" He asked, feeling flustered.

"It's the only way, son, people keep bribing me and constantly asking me," he said. "You're my son and that is a high expectation and ideal for everyone! I hate pushing you into an engagement you aren't fond of."

"Alright Father, I will tell her right away," Cat Noir nods solemnly before heading out.

Hawkmoth watched as his son ran off after his beloved bride-to-be, it surprised him to see his son run after someone he cared about after so long. He loved to see his son truly happy rather than being the father he was in the past, cold and abusive.

"I hope Cat Noir knows what he's doing, Hawkmoth sir," Lila said, walking out from the shadows. "He'll be mine by the end of the month if he doesn't get that girl to marry him."

Lila used to work for him and now, she was starting to control him with the limited power she has over him, by using his old technique on him; the dirty tricks of manipulation with blackmail and emotional neglect. It was amazingly ironic that his dirty tricks were used on him, out of spite and selfishness of someone he thought he trusted.

"Marinette stands in my way. But not for long," She cackled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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